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The MP said – if I wasn’t an MP, I would have been waving a knife. An MP said – If he hadn’t been an MP, he would have been wielding a knife: Told the story of a student’s life in Rewa – Rewa News Achi-News

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Rewa Lok Sabha MP Janardan Mishra always stays in the news for his statements. Today again one of his statements is in the headlines. In this period he said to the stage that if I had not been an MP today I would have been wielding a knife somewhere.


MP Janardan Mishra said he had been spoiled during his student life. He used to fight with other students and also smoked beedi. Because of this he was banned from school. He said that if he hadn’t had the support of the teachers, he wouldn’t be an MP today. Instead he would wander around wielding a knife.

In fact, Saturday was the 50th foundation day of the model school running in Rewa. Meanwhile, on the occasion of the Golden Jubilee celebrations, the MP gave this statement while sharing the story of his student life.

Deputy CM Rajendra Shukla was present at the event as the chief guest. Janardan Mishra, who became MP for the third time, also participated in the programme.

While addressing the people, he remembered his student life to explain the importance of a teacher. Also tell stories related to your student life. He said he was spoiled during his student life. Smoking bedis had become a habit. But because of the school principal Siddiqui and teacher Ramanuj Dwivedi, he recovered. When he went to school after smoking beedi, the teacher caught him. He was then suspended from school for 7 days and complained about smoking bedis at home.

On the complaint of assault, Principal Siddiqui had been punished for reading a book for 5 days in the main room. He said that whatever I am today is because of him. If a student says that whatever he is today is on his own strength. So what he said would be wrong. The teacher has a big contribution behind him. During this, he said that factionalism among teachers does not benefit the students or the school. Only when there is no factionalism will the name of the students and the school be bright.


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