HomeBusinessThe Greater Israel Plan: History, Politics and Facts Achi-News

The Greater Israel Plan: History, Politics and Facts Achi-News

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Remember! either in the minority or citizens of these countries. For the first time, like Pakistan, they have envisioned a religious state in the form of Israel, where the Jewish religion is the basis of their nationality, and this led to the argument “since we have established our religious state, now we should go with him to the traditional limits.” It goes.”
Very few people in Israel today are “young in the minority,” they say, but they believe this is almost impossible because Israel has diplomatic relations with neighboring countries such as Jordan, which makes it they are required to “Recognize the borders of the countries.” But the facts on the ground cannot believe the oppressors and brutal rulers of Israel because they have diplomatic relations with Egypt and Jordan, but despite this, Israel’s illegal occupation of their territories still exists even with the Arab Emirates and the Gulf Israel’s diplomatic relations are established and they have a more cordial relationship with Saudi Arabia than before, and on the third side of the country, Israel’s only dispute with Syria over the Golan Heights, and on apart from that, there is practically no problem between the two countries, the talk of establishing a Greater Israel is just a fantasy and serious politicians and analysts in Israel never seem to talk about it, but this fantasy is definitely present in those classes that in a way imagine the revival of the Jews around the world.
The question is, if Israel wants to implement the “Greater Israel” plan, how will the West respond to it? and the expansion of Israeli settlements, which is a clear proof, earlier this year, when Israel approved some violent settlers to establish settlements, “the Biden administration condemned them outright.”
There was no serious reaction to these measures from the countries that support Israel in the West In a way, Israel has received a green light from the Western countries to fulfill the dream of “Greater Israel” and a large number of influential leaders Israel. The dream has been interpreted, but the establishment of Greater Israel will not be acceptable to the West or the Jews living in the West When this state was established for the Jews in 1947, it was believed that they faced exploitation all over the world, so they should not find a separate country where they can live like this can live free from the exploitation of the West Bank and Gaza in the United Nations Charter and the West Bank and Gaza still have call them occupied territories. it is also recognized by the United States and the United Kingdom.
On the one hand, those who believe that the Greater Israel plan is an imaginary plan, apart from the occupied territories, the Golan Heights, which Israel has occupied since 1967, are also considered territories occupied by all Western countries and international organizations, “”Greater Israel” has no legal status, and Israel does not have the military capacity to implement such a plan in the future, but let’s assume “if Israel makes such an effort, it will not be possible without the political and military consent and support of the West.” “Perhaps.” Here, a section expresses its hatred for these actions of Pakistan, while justifying a nefarious intention Israel, they also say that “Greater Israel” is just a fantasy for various extremist groups. “Political salvation” works and is effective in keeping their ideals alive and for them to show their importance in society just like some people in Pakistan gets the idea of ​​a caliphate and rule over the world.
While pointing out the facts on the ground to eliminate this misunderstanding, I would like to present immediately after Russia’s defeat in Afghanistan, the statement of the former Secretary of State of the United States, Henry Kissinger, the creator of the “One World Order”. Remember that he clearly said after the defeat of Russia as a world power against America, “the religion of Islam, the Muslims, is our greatest enemy that must be dealt with.” This is the same Henry Kissinger of China Played an important role in reconciliation but in 1971 all their sympathies were with our enemy India He supported pro-American military dictatorships in Africa and Latin America.
In 1977, he said that the defense of Israel was the common responsibility of all free people. Three months before his death, he gave an interview to the newspaper Israel Maarif and said that I am a Jew. In 2014, the World Jewish Congress awarded Henry Kissinger the Theodore Herzl Award, named after the founder of the Zionist ideology, in recognition of his extraordinary abilities On this occasion, Israeli President Isaac Herzog praised Henry Kissinger for his compassion and love for Israel .
According to Theodore Herzl, the founder of Zionism, the promised land of the Jews will include Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Jordan, as well as Iran and Turkey. In 1947, the United Nations divided Palestine into a Jewish and Arab state and declared Jerusalem an international city. Former Prime Minister Israel Begin said that this division of Palestine was illegal, Jerusalem belonged to the Jews and belonged to the Jews. of Greater Israel has been exalted everywhere in Israel. The Israeli Jews have been made to believe that the territories mentioned in the heavenly books are all theirs and will be included in Greater Israel, despite all these facts, if the Muslim rulers close their eyes to protect their power, then closing the eyes of the pigeons does not prevent them from being killed.

(Except translation, this story has not been edited by achinews staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)
source link https://dailyausaf.com/columns/2024/10/03/64059/


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