HomeBusinessThe export of Ukrainian horticultural products is decreasing for the second year...

The export of Ukrainian horticultural products is decreasing for the second year in a row – AgroNews Achi-News

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In 2023, the revenue from the export of fruit and berry products by Ukraine was equal to 257 million dollars, having decreased by 18% compared to the previous year. Therefore, the full-scale war continues to have a negative impact on the potential supply of fruit, berries and nuts to foreign markets. This was reported by the Ukrainian Agricultural Export Association (UAE), writes agronews.ua.

The largest income for our exporters last year came from the sale of frozen berries and other fruit ($132 million, mainly raspberries and blueberries), shelled and shelled walnuts ($77 million), cereal crops (basically apples, $ 18 million.), fresh berries (18 million dollars).

Regarding the quantitative volumes by the specified groups, in 2023 the export of frozen fruits reached 87 thousand tons, increasing by 3 thousand tons and becoming the maximum during the period of independence of Ukraine. The sales figure on the international market of walnuts increased from 25,000 tonnes in 2022 to almost 31,000 tonnes in 2023, and berries, respectively, from 4,000 tonnes to 5,000 tonnes. At the same time, the export volume of apples decreased and pears – from more than 46 thousand tonnes in 2022 to 42 thousand tonnes in 2023.

The main buyer countries of fruits and berries of Ukrainian production last year: Poland – about 62 million dollars, Germany – 24 million dollars, Italy – 14 million dollars, France – 13 million dollars, the Czech Republic – 13 million dollars, Romania – 12 million dollars, the Netherlands – 11 million dollars, Austria – 11 million dollars, Azerbaijan – 10 million dollars. Overall, the European Union has retained the status of the main user of our horticultural products, with a share of 77%.

The UAE notes that global price trends have been mixed here. For frozen fruit and walnuts, the drop in export prices led to a drop in total revenue, despite the increase in quantitative quantities. The average price of Ukrainian apples remained the same in 2023, more than USD 400/t. Instead, the blueberry price rose to 4,481 dollars/t, ie 18%.

In general, in 2024, it will be very important for our exporters to maintain a profile, and under favorable internal and external conditions, to try to expand their positions in the main sales and additional markets.



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