


A cook died while preparing food for a wedding in Kaimore. The death of a confectioner who was about to prepare food for...

Achi news desk-curvature4 minutes agoCopy linkOne person died on the spot after being hit by a vehicle at Chaubepur canal in Mohania police station...

Karnataka Weather: Sunny temperatures will continue in the state! Achi-News

Achi news desk-It rained in some areas last week. But again the amount of rain has decreased. The weather department has predicted...

Loksabha Election 2024: Yogi Adityanath told Congress that his intention is to bring Sharia law. Achi-News

Achi news desk-Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Tuesday blamed the Congress, saying that in its election manifesto the party had expressed its...
