HomeBusinessThe cost of using grain trucks from Ukrzaliznytsia continues to fall -...

The cost of using grain trucks from Ukrzaliznytsia continues to fall – AgroNews Achi-News

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Achi news desk-

23.03.2024 15:17

From April 1, 2024, the rental rate for grain wagons owned by JSC “Ukrzaliznytsia” will decrease to UAH 1,100 per day (without VAT) against UAH 1,250 per day in March last year. This is reported on the company’s website, writes agronews.ua.

However, the rate for using tanks for transporting food products will be increased next month to UAH 2,200 per day against UAH 2,000 per day in March.

The rate for using wagons for transporting flour of conventional type 972 in April will remain at the level of the previous month and will be UAH 1,450 / day.

The rental rate for a half wagon next month will decrease to UAH 1,300 per day (in February – UAH 1,400 per day).


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