HomeBusinessStrategies to Promote EV Adoption Among Women Achi-News

Strategies to Promote EV Adoption Among Women Achi-News

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India’s electric vehicle (EV) market is experiencing a surge in popularity, with significant growth and ambitious goals for the future. Although still in its early stages, the EV market is seeing rapid growth. Sales figures show a jump from 1.25 lakh units in 2022 to over 10 lakh units in 2023, reflecting an increase of almost 9x.

The government is promoting the adoption of electric vehicles through various initiatives. This includes offering subsidies and tax reductions to buyers of electric vehicles, investing in charging infrastructure, and setting ambitious targets for the electrification of the transport sector.

Experts feel that the Indian EV market is on an exciting trajectory. With continued government support, technological advancements, and increasing consumer awareness, electric vehicles are poised to play a major role in India’s future transportation landscape.

Nehal Gupta, managing director, Accelerated Money for U (AMU), shares how women are driving the EV ecosystem.

Gupta says that encouraging more women to consider EVs means addressing various factors, including financial benefits, environmental impact, and social perceptions.

Gupta shares some strategies to promote the adoption of electric vehicles among women;

“In my experience, strategies that can promote the adoption of electric vehicles among women include – launching educational campaigns that highlight the financial benefits of owning electric vehicles, such as low operating costs, fuel and maintenance savings, and tax reductions . At the same time, we need active environmental awareness that emphasizes the impact of EVs in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, improving air quality, and potential contributions to combating climate change,” adds Gupta.

Women tend to be more receptive to sustainability and environmental concerns, so spreading awareness about EV’s positive impact on the planet can help garner their attention.

Marketing campaigns

In addition, developing targeted marketing campaigns that address women’s priorities and preferences in terms of safety, comfort, reliability and technology can appeal to their needs as consumers.

“In this regard, focusing on inclusive representation through advertisements can also encourage women to overcome perceived barriers and envision themselves as electric vehicle owners. Above all, offering financial incentives, low-interest loans tailored to women borrowers, and rebates can help make EVs more accessible and affordable,” adds Gupta.

Gupta underlines that to further support this vision, strategies such as advocating for EV infrastructure in public spaces and communities can help riders overcome range anxiety and cast the vehicle as a practical solution for women.

In addition, raising awareness by organizing workshops and seminars to educate women about EVs, dispel common misconceptions, and walk them through the incentives can help them navigate the purchase process and manage their vehicles more effectively.

“These strategies can help create a more inclusive environment that can encourage women to adopt electric vehicles, contributing to the vision of sustainable mobility,” adds Gupta.

The potential of electric vehicles for female drivers

The role of EVs in contributing to a cleaner environment by reducing carbon emissions is something that can often strike a chord with women who want to contribute more actively to supporting the nation’s net zero carbon emissions goals.

Apart from this, the new age EVs are loaded with advanced features that prioritize safety and driving experience. This further adds to the appeal, making EVs a viable choice for those seeking comfort and safety.

“Tech-savvy women who are counted among the early adopters can expect to see and experience the cutting-edge features of EVs as the vehicles usher in advanced automotive technology,” adds Gupta.

Additionally, the potential cost savings on electric vehicles compared to fuel-powered alternatives and relatively lower maintenance charges could enable budget-conscious women to save more on their commute and make savings in the long term.

“I believe they would also appreciate a home charging feature more than others, as with technological advances in charging infrastructure, the idea of ​​charging electric vehicles at home over a shorter period of time is becoming more practical. Widespread adoption of the feature would eliminate the need to ride to charging hubs, making the process more convenient for women,” highlights Gupta.

Advice when making the switch to an electric car

Gupta suggests that those considering switching to EVs would first learn more about the vehicle and how to maintain it to ensure a smooth transition.

“To begin with, start exploring different EV models and check their features and limitations before making any decision. At the same time, assess your driving needs by considering the daily commuting distance, identifying the driving patterns, and more importantly, the availability of charging infrastructure. Once you narrow down your choices, be sure to test their performance, handling and comfort level through test drives,” adds Gupta.

Charging setup is important

Familiarize yourself with different charging setups, including home charging, public installations, and fast charging networks. Next, make sure you calculate the total cost you’ll incur for buying an EV, but don’t forget to account for potential maintenance costs, incentives and fuel savings.

In case you are planning to take a loan to buy an EV, you should also consider the loan interest and the EMI to understand the financial implications of owning the vehicle. Finally, you will always be updated on the technological developments and government policies that focus on EVs to take advantage of the benefits of owning an EV.

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