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Six products have been named that will help you warm up and fall asleep – AgroNews Achi-News

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Experts recommend some products that will help you fall asleep in conditions of blackout, bad weather, and a drop in temperature in apartments. First of all, because of the fact that they help to warm up. This is reported by TSN, writes agronews.ua.

Sleep expert Ashley Gainsworth reveals which common, inexpensive foods naturally warm the body and induce sleep.

Cinnamon. It is not only a popular spice, but also a good sleep aid. Its thermogenic properties increase body temperature. And if you dissolve cinnamon in a glass of milk, such a drink will warm you and stimulate a long-awaited dream.

Oats. We are usually used to it being a breakfast product, but according to an expert, oatmeal will also be beneficial before going to bed. Why can oats warm and induce sleep? Bran and fibre, which are very abundant in oats, are digested slowly, so a lot of energy is released, which warms you up. That’s not all – this food is high in melatonin, which is known to improve sleep.

Nuts Eating peanuts, almonds, pistachios and other nuts before going to bed speeds up the metabolism and therefore raises the body temperature. Nuts contain melatonin, a natural hormone that helps regulate the sleep cycle.

Bananas. It is not only delicious fruit, but also a great temperature regulator. Bananas contain vitamin B and magnesium, help the functioning of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands, thereby regulating body temperature in cold weather. Another benefit of magnesium is that it helps muscles relax and calms the body.

Ginger. A cup of ginger tea is a traditional remedy for colds, flu and coughs. It warms and increases immunity. Due to the vasodilating properties of ginger, blood vessels relax, which helps to increase blood flow and increase temperature.

A carrot. According to an expert, carrots are one of the vegetables that improve sleep because they contain the nutrients alpha-carotene as well as potassium.

You should not eat fruit and vegetables that contain a lot of water before going to bed. Water-saturated fruit and vegetables cool the body, causing insomnia.



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