HomeBusinessShocking News: Naked video recording of housework, owner fined 25 crores! Achi-News

Shocking News: Naked video recording of housework, owner fined 25 crores! Achi-News

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Except translation, this story has not been edited by achinews staff and is published from a syndicated feed.

New York: People usually hire women for their jobs. They are hired and handle housework, taking care of the elderly or children at home. But in a house, he secretly installed a camera in the room of a 25-year-old working woman who looked after the children. The court ordered billionaire Michael Espositoni to pay $2.78 crore (about Rs 23 crore) to the woman for finding the camera.

Smoke detector in bedroom

The incident happened in 2021, when billionaire Michael Espositoni was secretly photographing a 25-year-old woman, Andrade, who was taking care of her four children at home. Originally from Columbia, he came to New York to work. Andrade then notices a strange smoke detector-like object in his bedroom. At the same time, the woman noticed that Esposito was repeatedly adjusting the smoke detector. Closer inspection of the Andre smoke detector revealed a suspected camera inside.


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A memory card that stores bare video

When Andrade investigates, the woman finds a memory card in the camera that stores hundreds of nude videos. She is shocked to see his nude videos on the memory card. What I know is that the owner knows that the woman is not clueless. The woman jumped from the window after the owner came home.


Esposito was sentenced to four years in prison

After leaving the owner’s house, he reported to the local police and Michael Esposito was arrested. Michael Esposito was sentenced to four years in prison after being found guilty. However, for some reasons, Esposito’s sentence was reduced by two years. Andrade, a woman, says the law is not over yet.

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7,80,000 USD compensation

Michael Esposito and his wife Danielle were fined by the court that heard the case. Earlier, the court had ordered compensation of US$ 7,80,000 to the woman who worked from home for mental torture and emotional harm. Michael Esposito was fined 2 million US dollars. On the other hand, the woman who has expressed dissatisfaction with the amount of compensation has stated that it is not enough for the pain I experienced.


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(Except translation, this story has not been edited by achinews staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)
source link https://kannada.news18.com/news/national-international/nanny-awarded-rs-23-crore-after-discovering-secret-surveillance-by-millionaire-boss-hps-1867389.html


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