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Revealing views on the SNP and the Greens, income tax, Brexit, independence Achi-News

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The poll also reveals a sweeping view among business leaders north of the Border that Brexit has damaged the Scottish economy.

One member of IoD Scotland said: “The current UK Government is making our whole country a laughing stock in the different [countries] in which I work. Building on Brexit, policies like the Rwanda plan make this worse.”

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When asked whether the Scottish Government is doing a better or worse job on business and the economy than the UK Government, or whether the performance of the two is similar, 68% of IoD Scotland members who responded said “worse”.

Meanwhile, 13% believe the Scottish Government is doing a better job and 19% think the performance of the Westminster and Holyrood administrations on business and the economy is similar.

More than three quarters of respondents believe that Brexit has hampered the Scottish economy.

Only 4% believe it has helped.

Another Scottish IoD member said: “Brexit is a real and ongoing issue for Scottish companies operating in Europe. It has affected all aspects of business, from bidding for contracts to importing and exporting to hiring staff.”

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The poll also revealed an overwhelming belief among Scottish business leaders that the likelihood of a referendum on independence has declined over the past year.

And, while more than a fifth of respondents believe the Scottish Government is right to use its income tax powers to levy extra tax on higher earners, 78% think it is not. right to do that.

IoD Scotland country director Catherine McWilliam said: “It’s clear that our members have strong opinions and are looking for an outlet to share them, and to be heard.”

He drew attention to the closeness of the UK General Election.

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Ms McWilliam said: “We’re in a General Election year and, when we come out of that, we’ll be closing in on the Scottish election. There is much discussion on tactical voting, turnout, and lack of confidence in the current system.

“The views expressed in this survey are likely to reflect the wider business community in Scotland, who are all voting constituents, so their voices are vital.”

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He added: “Members are expressing a level of dissatisfaction that their views are not being heard at government level.”


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