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Pakistan will not compromise its sovereignty, will not tolerate any destabilizing attempts: President Asif Zardari Achi-News

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Pakistan will not compromise its sovereignty, will not tolerate any destabilizing attempts: President Asif Zardari

ISLAMABAD (APP) – President Asif Ali Zardari on Saturday said that Pakistan is a peace-loving and responsible nuclear state but would not compromise its sovereignty or tolerate any attempts by terrorists or any group aiming to ‘to destabilize.

Addressing the Pakistan Day Parade ceremony held here, he said: “Pakistan wants relations with all our neighbours. We are a peace loving country and a responsible nuclear state. However, let me make it clear that we will not compromise our sovereignty… We will not tolerate any attempts by terrorists or any group to destabilize our country,” the president said.

Pakistan Day is observed to commemorate the adoption of the Lahore Resolution on March 23, 1940. This resolution, presented by the All-India Muslim League, called for the creation of a separate homeland for the Muslims of the subcontinent.

In his address, President Zardari said that the Pakistani nation and armed forces are always ready to respond to any aggression at all times. “Today’s parade reminds us of our unity, strength and pride,” said the president who reviewed the parade earlier after arriving at the venue escorted in his vehicle by the presidential guards on horses.

The president congratulated the nation on the Day which commemorated the historic struggle of the Muslims of the subcontinent to secure a separate homeland under the leadership of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. He also paid tribute to the martyrs and the ‘Ghazis’ with a decision to make every effort to protect national security and sovereignty. The president’s address covered domestic topics such as recent elections, efforts against terrorism, economic challenges, and the establishment of SIFC, and the regional situation including the human rights abuses in Indian-occupied Jammu and Kashmir as well as Gaza .

He told the gathering that the Kashmir dispute was the main reason for instability in the region as the people of Kashmir had been demanding their rights of self-determination for the past 76 years. Condemning India’s brutality and the human rights violations in Kashmir, President Zardari urged the international community to play its role in implementing the UN Security resolution. He also assured the Kashmiris that the people of Pakistan would continue to stand by them until they get their right to self-determination.

Coming to the humanitarian disaster in Gaza, he appealed to the international community to take steps to ensure that the killing of women and children is stopped and that a ceasefire is declared, apart from the establishment of a humanitarian corridor. The president also reiterated Pakistan’s continued support to the Palestinian people until the issue is resolved as per their wishes.

Recounting the country’s journey marked with many ups and downs, he said that despite many challenges, the nation of Pakistan has achieved excellence in the fields of defence, agriculture and technology, as well as its internationally recognized contribution to fighting in against terrorism.

Highlighting the social, political and economic challenges facing the country at the moment, he said following the successful holding of elections and the formation of a democratic government, it was everyone’s responsibility to seek solutions to all the issues. “I believe that the way we faced the difficulties in the past can steer the country out of the pervasive problems even today. The Pakistani nation is active and intelligent. The young people, using their mental abilities, can guarantee a bright future,” he said.

President Zardari told the ceremony that the Special Investment Facilitation Council (SIFC) has been formed to attract investment in the agriculture, livestock, mining, information technology and energy sectors. He also asked all the political parties to put aside their political interests and work together to bring in the prosperity of the country.

The president also thanked the friendly countries including China, Saudi Arabia, Turkiye and the United Arab Emirates for supporting Pakistan in the difficult times. The procession began with the national anthem, recitation of verses from the Holy Quran, after paying a special salute to the national flag.


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