HomeBusinessOrders to provide security to Congress President Chandigarh Pradesh. HS Congress...

Orders to provide security to Congress President Chandigarh Pradesh. HS Congress President lucky security update. Punjab and Haryana High Court Update| President of Congress thread call update | Order to provide security to Congress President Chandigarh Pradesh: High Court announced the decision, threat received from Pakistan number on March 26 – Chandigarh News Achi-News

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  • Orders To Provide Security To Chandigarh Pradesh Congress President| President of Congress HS Lucky Security Update| Punjab and Haryana High Court Update| President of Congress Thread Call Update

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The High Court has ordered security for Chandigarh Pradesh Congress President Lucky.

The Punjab and Haryana High Court has ordered security for Chandigarh Pradesh Congress President HS Lucky. The court has asked the Chandigarh Police to provide them with a personal security officer as soon as possible. In the petition filed on behalf of Lucky, he said that he was repeatedly receiving calls from a Pakistan number. He has complained about this to the Chandigarh Police. But no action has been taken in the matter yet. The court has now requested an answer from the police on this on July 1.

Found on 26 March A threat


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