HomeBusinessNews about new currency notes on Eid-ul-Fitr - Pakistan Achi-News

News about new currency notes on Eid-ul-Fitr – Pakistan Achi-News

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One of the great joys of Chhoti Eid is Khushi Eidi, which brings smiles to children’s faces, that’s why Pakistanis always choose new notes.

However, this year Pakistanis will be able to issue new notes as Eid or not, State Bank sources have revealed.

According to the sources, like the last 2 Eids, no new notifications will be issued by State Bank this Eid.

It should be noted that since the start of Covid, the issue of new notes to the public on Eid has been suspended.

As per State Bank policy, even private banks will not be able to issue new notes to citizens.

However, in all this there is a possibility that the currency mafia will become active, which could start selling the new notes in the black market.

Dealers can sell a bundle of new Rs 10 notes for Rs 200 to Rs 300, while the State Bank may issue a formal statement in this regard in the coming days.


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