HomeBusinessNashik police handcuffs those who bet on IPL match Achi-News

Nashik police handcuffs those who bet on IPL match Achi-News

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Achi news desk-

Nashik : Leading News Service – A special team has caught the suspect of betting in Kolkata vs Delhi match in IPL. The suspect has been identified as Mahendra Vaishnav (34, resident of Tarwala Nagar). A case has been registered against him at Gangapur police station.

Police Naik Dattatray Chakor of Special Squad got the information that betting on IPL matches was going on in front of Krishnagar jogging track. Accordingly, the police laid a trap under the leadership of Senior Inspector of Police Jairam Paigude. On Wednesday night (3rd) the police caught suspect Mahendra red-handed while betting. Assets worth Rs 16 lakh 50 thousand including mobile phone, cash and a car were seized from him. It was revealed that the suspect Mahendra was betting by watching the IPL match on his mobile phone. He has been handed over to the Gangapur police. The team of Assistant Inspector Hemant Nagre, Sub Inspector Mukteshwar Lad, Range Sub Inspector Dilip Koll, Dilip Bhoi, Chakor etc. performed this performance under the guidance of senior citizens.

Gambling online

The number of people betting on IPL matches has increased. According to the sources, since many people bet from mobile phone only, they face difficulties in finding them. Likewise, bettors keep in touch only with acquaintances. As they do not trust a new person easily, it helps to keep the identity of the bettors secret.


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