HomeBusinessMandal's Nagari Drama resonated with Malini Awasthi's thumri. Nagari Natak Troupe...

Mandal’s Nagari Drama resonated with Malini Awasthi’s thumri. Nagari Natak Troupe resonated with Thumri Malini Awasthi: Musicians paid musical tribute to the memory of Vidushi Savita Devi – Varanasi News Achi-News

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Varanasi6 minutes ago

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On the stage of Nagari Natak Mandali, homage was paid to the memory of Vidushi Savita Devi and her mother and Thumri empress Siddheshwari Devi. On Sunday night, the second day of the musical evening, there was Malini Awasthi’s classical singing. He sang the favorite thumris of Siddheshwari Devi and Savita Devi. Malini Awasthi sang melodious tunes in her traditional style.

Malini Awasthi also presented ‘Baron Piya’.


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