HomeBusinessLarge Scale Climate Phenomena Contributing To Monsoon Imd Chief Mohapatra - Amar...

Large Scale Climate Phenomena Contributing To Monsoon Imd Chief Mohapatra – Amar Ojla Live Hindi News Achi-News

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IMD CEO Matyujanay Mohapatra
– Photo: PTI


People have been bothered by the heat since the beginning of April. Much of the country is scorching with scorching heat. Meanwhile, the question is when will the rain bring relief to the people? The director general of the Indian Meteorological Department, Matujany Mahapatra, gave some relief information regarding the monsoon. The meteorological department says that after June this year, El Nino conditions seem to be tapering off, which is a good sign for the monsoon.

El Niño creates favorable conditions

After observing El Niño conditions, the department estimated that large-scale climate events create favorable conditions for the southwest monsoon. Mohapatra said that by the beginning of June this year, the effect of El Niño seems to be diminishing. Because of this, the central Pacific Ocean will not warm up too much and the Southwest Monsoon will not be affected much. The special thing is that due to the southwest monsoon, about 70 percent of the rain in India occurs. This rain is very important for the agriculture sector. Overall, it also bodes well for the rain-dependent Indian economy. Let us tell you that India received below average rainfall in the monsoon season of 2023, attributed to El Nino. First we will explain to you what El Niño is.

What is El Niño?

El Nino is part of the Southern Oscillation (ENSO), a natural climate phenomenon related to weather and oceans. ENSO has two phases – El Nino and La Nina. El Nino means ‘little boy’ in Spanish and is a hot phase. At the same time, La Nina means ‘little girl’ which is the cold phase. The warming phenomenon of the coast near Peru in the Pacific Ocean is called El Niño. If you understand it in simple language, the marine phenomenon that causes changes in sea temperature and atmospheric conditions was named El Nino. Due to this change, the sea surface temperature becomes 4-5 degrees higher than normal.

When will the monsoon arrive?

According to the Indian Meteorological Department, favorable La Nina conditions can be seen for the monsoon season from July to September. Simply put, this year we may see good monsoon rains, which can be called a good sign. La Nina seems to have a positive effect on the Indian monsoon. The southwest monsoon forecast will be released by the meteorological department at the end of the month, which will further clarify the conditions.


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