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knowledge is power! – AgroNews Achi-News

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Knowledge of the technical capabilities of the equipment, its design features are the basis of its successful and effective operation. Of course, this applies to all equipment, but it takes the greatest importance in terms of planters, because the results of low-quality sowing, obtained due to operator errors, cannot be corrected during the growing season.

In order to improve the knowledge of engineers and farm salesmen, every year the Väderstad company conducts specialist training on its products. This year was no exception.

During the “agricultural” winter holidays, Väderstad company experts held a series of practical seminars on the operating rules of Tempo precision seed drills. During the practical classes, the trainees were introduced to the construction and principles of operation of the Tempo precision seed drill, with hydraulic and electrical circuits, and the nuances of setting seed and fertilizer sowing rates.

The participants of the seminar, under the supervision of experts, had the opportunity to carry out appropriate treatments with the equipment themselves, adding practical skills to their own “cases of knowledge”.

The Väderstad company is sure that this information will definitely be useful to farms during the sowing campaign, and will certainly help to improve the quality of sowing and the operation of equipment in general.

At present, practical seminars are ongoing. To participate in them, you should contact the representatives of the Väderstad dealer company in your region or directly with the specialists of the representative office of the company in Ukraine.



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