HomeBusinessIt's Not Just Sleep But These 7 Types Of Rest Will Help...

It’s Not Just Sleep But These 7 Types Of Rest Will Help You Feel Restored And Rejuvenated Achi-News

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Apart from getting physical rest, it is also important to take mental rest. (Image: Shutterstock)

To get rid of all stress and feel refreshed, getting enough sleep is not enough for human body.

At a time when people’s lives have become very busy, the concept of ‘resting’ also holds a lot of prominence. That being said, we’ve all been there when we crash on the couch or go to bed after a hard day or week. However, even after hours of sleep, we never feel recovered.

Well, this is the point where people need to understand that just getting more sleep will not make up for the tired body and that complete rest is more important.

These are the different types of rest that one needs to get-

  1. Physical rest:One of the most important things is to get adequate physical rest which means giving our body some rest. It is very important to allow our body to heal and recharge and sleep is one of the key methods. Although sleep duration is very important, it should be slightly higher for younger people and lower for the elderly. Other physical activities such as walking, exercise and dancing can also help achieve therapeutic results.
  2. Mental rest: Apart from getting physical rest, it is also important to take mental rest. At a time when busy lifestyles and living habits have been affecting mental health, having a break from cognitive tasks or any form of constant stimulation allows your brain to slow down. It can be done by listening to music or engaging in hobbies and activities that will help the mind relax and recharge.
  3. Social rest:Although socializing has become a very common part of people’s lives, people usually participate in parties or on social media. However, having a social break also means spending some time with yourself that refreshes and recharges. Take time out to reflect on yourself, go for a walk in a natural environment, or have some peaceful time with animals or your pets.
  4. Sensory relaxation: Distancing yourself from electronic devices, especially computers or mobile phones helps to get sensory rest. Basically, it reduces exposure to things that can overwhelm your senses and create a calming environment. Taking a digital break also helps reduce stress.
  5. Spiritual rest: It is also important to get spiritual rest by disconnecting from the rest of the world. It helps to find a sense of purpose and to have an intimate feeling of love, acceptance, or understanding. For spiritual rest, one can join a spiritual community or group that matches one’s interest. You can also volunteer for a meaningful cause or enjoy praying or meditating.
  6. Emotional rest: Adequate emotional rest is also important to look after your well-being. It can be achieved by opening up and sharing unspoken emotions. One can also consider giving themselves space by asking for time to consider requests before agreeing. One should learn to say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ and not succumb to other people’s influence.
  7. Creative rest: Another way to relax is by exploring the creative side of your personality. This can be done by going for a walk in the park or along the beach, going on a hike, visiting a museum, exploring new places, or going on individual dates. You can also take part in hobbies such as painting or playing music.


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