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Inside Story of Shooting a TV Series; Actor Fees, TRP Episode And Script | Four days of hard work behind one episode: Script changes overnight if TRP not received; Actors get fees after 90 days Achi-News

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Mumbai29 minutes agoAuthor: Kiran Jain and Abhinav Tripathi

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In the new episode of Reel to Real, we have tried to understand the process of making TV series.

One episode of a TV series is 22 minutes long. It takes hours to shoot this one episode. Hundreds of people work hard behind this. It takes a long process of four days to shoot the episode for television. In this episode of Reel to Real, we will understand this process.

For this, we have spoken to the famous TV actress Deepika Singh, Toral Rasputra, the creative director of the series ‘Dori’ on Colors channel Siddharth Vankar and the executive producer of the series ‘Mangal Lakshmi’ Deepak Sharma.

He said that if TRP is not received, changes will be made in the story, so that the audience can get something new. Actors have a 90 day contract. They are only paid after 90 days of joining the show.

Shooting starts 6 months after the concept of the show comes.
Creative director Siddharth Vankar said, ‘Actual shooting starts 3 to 6 months after the concept of the show comes. During these 6 months, important work is done, from setting up the set, joining the writers, scripting and casting the actors.

First auditions are taken, then after a mock test the actors are finalized.
What is the process for an actor to join a show? Actress Deepika Singh replied, ‘Auditions are held first. After that there is a mock test. Then the actors are completed. Their contract with the show is stable. Fees etc. are mentioned in the agreement. After this the actor finally joins the show.

Popular actors get more fees
What is the fee parameter of TV actors? What kind of fees do they get? In response to this, Deepika says, ‘The pay scale in the television industry is good. If you are talented and work hard, you will get good money. We need such people who can work for 12-13 hours without any wrinkle. Apart from this, the fees of actors who are popular or have more experience are automatically higher.

Deepika Singh became famous with 'Diya Aur Baati Hum'.  She is currently seen in the television series Mangal Lakshmi.

Deepika Singh became famous with ‘Diya Aur Baati Hum’. She is currently seen in the television series Mangal Lakshmi.

The day TRP drops, the series comes to close.
How big is the role of TRP? Is this becoming an important point for producers as well as actors? Deepika said, ‘TRP plays a big role in the lives of television actors. We remain focused on how our series is performing.

Obviously it’s like a business. As long as TRP is coming, the series will continue. The day TRP stops being received, the serial also ends gradually. So, it’s all a game of TRP here.

The script is changed overnight if TRP is not achieved
Director Siddharth Vankar said that sometimes there comes a time when the serial does not get that good TRP. At that time the script is changed overnight. The story is changed, so that the audience gets something new.

Channel approval is also required
According to Siddharth Vankar, writers first narrate the story to the creative directors. Creative directors feel that some changes should be made and then give suggestions to the writers. The story must also be sent to the channel for approval. If the authority present there likes the story, then only further work begins.

Lunchtime is 30 minutes on set, it takes an hour for make-up.
Actress Toral Rasputra said what the life of an artist is like on the set. He said, ‘I drive myself. I leave home at 8 o’clock and reach the set by 9 o’clock. As soon as I get to the set, I go into makeup. It takes an hour to get into getup. After this I go to the set to shoot my scenes. There is lunch time of half an hour in the afternoon.

I bring breakfast, lunch and snacks etc from home. I keep my own coffee and make it myself. On days when the pressure is high, I ask the seller on the spot to do it. On days when the shooting is less, I even sleep for some time in the van.

Toral became popular with the famous TV show Uttaran.  At the moment she can be seen in the series Dori.

Toral became popular with the famous TV show Uttaran. At the moment she can be seen in the series Dori.

Actors are paid once every 90 days
Toral said actors start getting paid 90 days after joining the show. He said, ‘Actors do not get a single penny for three months after joining the show. After three months ie 90 days, all the money is received immediately. The contract is for three months. No matter how long the show runs, payment is only made after every three months. Actors’ fees are decided on a daily basis.

The producer gets the story a day in advance, and scheduling for the next day is done accordingly.
How is a show produced? Deepak Sharma, executive producer of the TV series Mangal Lakshmi said, ‘First of all we get the story, we get to know what the next episode will be. According to this we find out the availability of actors. We also plan to keep in mind how many scenes are going to happen and decide which actor to call when tomorrow.

Sometimes episodes have to be done in a day
Deepak Sharma said, ‘Sometimes there comes a time when the episode shot in the morning has to be televised till night. In such a situation, additional chips must be purchased and kept. As each scene is shot, it is immediately sent to the post-production team. However, such a situation rarely occurs.

How is the daily life of actors on set?
What do actors do in their spare time on set? Deepika Singh said, ‘It depends on which sequence is to be shot. If we have to shoot any serious subject then we stay in our zone. Lunch is also taken separately. Practice your dialogues. On a typical shooting day, we continue to relax. Let’s relax together. As Holi just ended. We laugh and joke together a lot in the Holi sequence.


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