HomeBusinessInnocent dies due to the bite of a stray dog. Innocent...

Innocent dies due to the bite of a stray dog. Innocent died due to the bite of a stray dog: The dog was injured 3 months ago, the family is in panic, poison has spread in the body – Chhindwara News Achi-News

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An innocent child died in Dungariya after being bitten by a stray dog. due to some negligence, they killed him Time


According to the information, Durga Prasad, seven year old son of Prabhuprasad Binjhade, resident number four near Khedapati Mata Temple of Gram Panchayat Dungaria, was bitten by a stray dog ​​while playing three months ago, after which they first treated him in the local hospital, then in the district hospital and then to Nagpur. But he could not be saved and the child died recently.

After this, the family did not inform the police about his death and buried his body, now after coming to know about the matter, the police have started an investigation.

If the treatment had not been received in time, the innocent life would have been saved.

According to the relatives of the deceased child, they initially expelled him and when he did not feel comfortable after the expulsion, they took him to the doctor After about 3 months, the innocent child died. If the concerned family had had the child injected for rabies in time, his life might have been saved, but the innocent child could not get proper treatment in time.


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