HomeBusinessImportance of Goodbye Friday, Farewell Month Goodbye Ramadan Achi-News

Importance of Goodbye Friday, Farewell Month Goodbye Ramadan Achi-News

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Islamabad (News Desk) Ramadan 2024 is coming to an end and tomorrow Muslims will celebrate Friday.

The last Friday of Ramadan is Friday.

Jumaat al-Wadaa is celebrated with great devotion and respect across Pakistan as Muslims gather in mosques for special sermons and prayers and seek Allah’s blessings.

This day is very important for Muslims. On this day, Muslims wake up early, bathe and wear new clothes.

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A large number of people also gather in mosques to offer prayers, recite the Holy Quran and do charity work.

Large numbers of people will attend Friday prayers in mosques across the country, offering special prayers for Muslim prosperity and unity.

Religious scholars will emphasize the importance of the month of fasting and Good Friday.

In Islamabad, the largest congregation of Jumma al-Wada will be held at the Faisal Mosque.


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