HomeBusinessGurugram Traffic Police - Extreme heat wearing AC jackets, ice pads with...

Gurugram Traffic Police – Extreme heat wearing AC jackets, ice pads with fans. Haryana News. , AC jackets for traffic cops in Gurugram: Fans are placed on ice pads to protect against heat, weight 3 kg – Gurugram News Achi-News

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AC jacket for traffic police in Gurugram.

Traffic police personnel in Gurugram, Haryana now use AC jackets to save themselves from the scorching heat. Ice pads are installed in it and two fans are also installed in it. Its weight is about three kilos. When traffic police personnel stand at every signal in the scorching heat


ACP Traffic Sukhbir Singh said that there are currently 13 jackets in Gurugram, which have been given to 13 Zonal Officers of the Traffic Police on an experimental basis. These jackets have been given to traffic police personnel as samples in the scorching heat, so that the results can be seen. According to ACP Traffic, traffic police personnel do their duty while standing in the sun and if this experiment is successful then further work will be done on it.

This is how an AC jacket is used

The weight of this police AC jacket is around 3 kg. This jacket has two parts. There are two jackets. The lower jacket ie the first part has ice pads, which are frozen in the freezer and then put into the jacket. The second part ie the top jacket has two fans along with a type C charger, which runs by connecting to the phone’s power bank.

If there is extreme heat, then due to the operation of these fans, a jacket is down, there are ice pads in it, they do not melt quickly and last longer. When traffic police personnel wear these when they go to do their duty on the road, they feel cold from inside.

The biggest challenge for the police is where to store the ice pads in their freezer every two hours.

The biggest challenge for the police is where to store the ice pads in their freezer every two hours.

Relief from wearing the jacket

According to ZO Harfool Singh of Gurugram Traffic Police, this is a good initiative by Gurugram Police. He said that while working from morning to night, his body was completely burnt due to this blazing heat. But wearing this jacket has definitely brought some relief.

There is no less problem with the jacket.

However, this jacket given to police personnel on an experimental basis also faces challenges. Like this jacket is heavy. Snow pads are melting quickly. Once frozen in the freezer, they can be used for 2 to 2.5 hours. Again you need a freezer to freeze these pads. How the police can bring the fridge to the road is also a problem. Additionally, cooling limited to the upper body can lead to temperature imbalance and potential health problems.

The police zone officer said –

According to Police ZO Harphool, if his superior officers ask him for suggestions regarding this jacket, then the biggest problem is its weight, because the weight of this jacket is more than three kilos. If we talk about a snow pad, then this snow melts in 2 to 2.5 hours. After this, there is no fridge near their booth. So, they will have to think about where to store these ice pads.

However, he said there is no complaint about the top jacket that has fans attached to it. He said that with this jacket, half of his body will be cold from above and all will be hot from below, which can be most harmful.


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