HomeBusinessGraham's Family Dairy boss criticizes Brexit label scheme Achi-News

Graham’s Family Dairy boss criticizes Brexit label scheme Achi-News

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Speaking to BBC Radio 4 Farming Today, Robert Graham, managing director of Graham’s Family Dairy, said the proposed change would cost the company £300,000 before even considering the cost of labour, complexity and additional running costs.

The Herald: Robert Graham said the move would cost the business hundreds of thousands of poundsRobert Graham said the move would cost the business hundreds of thousands of pounds (Image: Graham’s Family Dairy)

The move would lead to a change in packaging for over 300 of the dairy company’s lines, which equates to millions of units per week.

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The regulation is currently due to be introduced in October to reduce the time spent inspecting goods traveling to Northern Ireland and would require the words “not for the EU ” are printed on all products that are not shipped to the continent.

According to Dairy UK, the trade association for the UK dairy industry, the financial cost per business of changing labeling alone has been quoted as up to £500,000, and up to £2 million per business when all costs are considered others.

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Mr Graham said: “This change will cost UK food and drink companies hundreds of thousands of pounds. For us, this is going to change the way we do things for millions of units every week, which n obviously a huge cost for a family company. .

“The proposed requirement means we would have to have different packaging between the UK and export lines, leading to higher costs across stock, production, branding and operations.”

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He added: “It feels like the UK Government is using a sledgehammer to crack a nut. With some regulation already in place, the new requirements would add unjustified complexity while there is already an overwhelming feeling across the industry that would make any difference to that.export trade to Northern Ireland.

“The food industry understands the complexities of politics but we can’t help but feel that this legislation will do nothing for the industry but confuse consumers, increase complexity and increase costs by millions to the sector.”

The Scottish Farmer reported that a recent poll by Best for Britain revealed that nearly one in five (18%) said they were less likely to buy products labeled “not for EU”.

Mr Graham has written to the Secretary of State for Scotland “with the hope that plans for the new requirements will be reconsidered”.

The UK Government said: “The government is legislating to confirm that labeling requirements on agri-food products are applied across Great Britain, to ensure that there is no incentive for businesses to avoid placing goods on the Northern Ireland market.”


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