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Give the widow the right to participate in Kalash Yetra. Give the widow the right to participate in Kalash Yetra – news in Elod Achi-News

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Kalangpur Sahu Samaj celebrated Karma Jayanti at Mokha village on Friday. The village mothers went to the Kalash rally and toured the streets. Sahu Regional Samaj Kalangpur President Kulshwar Prasad Sahu, District members Deepak Sahu, Ghanshyam Sahu, Bhamchand Sahu, Ghanshyam Sahu, Richiram Sahu were the guests in the programme. President Kulshwar Sahu spoke about equal rights for widowed mothers like Kalash Yatra and delivery of peacocks. Honored Jitendra Kumar, Karuna for excellent placement in class 12 and Aradhana and Neha for excellent contribution in class 10 along with governor awarded Tanu in scout and guide. The brave boy Aman Kumar received the talent award. Mallet and teacher Dronkumar Sarva was also honored. Here Jahuriya Ramdhuni Party Bohara colleague appeared. Devendra Kumar Sahu presided over the ceremony and the vote of thanks was done by Loknath Dawna. Present were Vijay Sahu, Gaukarn Sahu, Ramanlal Sahu, Anand Sahu, Tuman Lal, Dhraj Sahu, Chagan Lal, Parmlal Sahu, Suchiram, Tajram, Niranjan Sahu, Narsingh Sahu, Gokul Sahu, Dinesh Sahu, Mamta Sahu, Koleshwari Sahu.


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