HomeBusinessFood Prices Continue to Rise Achi-News

Food Prices Continue to Rise Achi-News

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The price hike in essential commodities has been the norm in Pakistan. Food prices continue to rise unabated. The prices of rice, sugar, milk, fruit, vegetables and cooking oil, etc. have risen significantly in the last five months, putting pressure on general consumer prices. Another aspect of the price increase is that people are paying too much beyond their means for essential services such as health, education, and transport. Inflation, linked to capitalism and privatisation, has caused a complete decline in living standards. With few exceptions, vegetable and fruit prices have shot up 250 to 300% during this period.

Food Prices Are Not the Only Cause of Concern

The situation has worsened due to the several rounds of impact of price increases for petroleum, electricity and gas products, which have had an alarming effect on the prices of several commodities. Today, the poor spend a greater proportion of their income on food and fuel, and so on. Prices have risen, but even ordinary men’s wages are falling. Edible oil prices have been shooting up. The price of tomato has risen to Rs.60-70 and is rising sharply even now. Just as the price of onion left the poor people crying, it is now the turn of pulses (still). The price of the poor man’s staple has nearly tripled, and there are no visible measures to check its spiraling growth.

The prices of daily use items have skyrocketed; an average man cannot afford much to his family in his scarce resources which he can earn after a hard day’s work. The prices of kitchen items are so high that they are completely out of the reach of the common man. Businessmen rob poor people with impunity, and the government does nothing but play the role of a silent spectator.

The poor are most affected by the rise in food prices

The number of people worst affected are the poor, and the lower middle class, especially the low paid salaried working class in the private sector, who have to maintain a reasonable standard of living on a fixed income. Now, due to an increase in the prices of goods, especially food, it is becoming difficult for them to bear all the expenses comfortably. What to say about children’s education and family health care spending. Today, Rs.100 note is just like Rs.10.

The rising price of food items is a cause for concern. Now, they cannot think of savings and excursions because they have to maintain their budget in limited income. Most people have resorted to reducing the number of things they usually buy. They have started to compromise on the amount of nutritious food they used to buy for their children.

The cost of essential goods, unaffordable house purchase or construction cost, increasing cost of education, unbearable house rent, air transport costs, work and social outings, the cost of essential goods has increased in the last seven years or so. of civil governments. In order to make ends meet and pay college/university fees the people have started spending their savings to keep up with inflation. If the trend continues for a long time, I think the people of Pakistan will have to take loans to run their families.

Authorities Can’t Keep Up With Food Prices

The price lists, if published by the local administration, appear on display in the shops. Nowadays, wholesalers and retailers, especially of fruits and vegetables, enjoy a free hand to fleece the consumers by hoarding the goods despite all the claims of the authorities concerned. The price of sugar has already been raised to an unsustainable level. We are now at the mercy of a local administration that is not paying attention to this crucial issue. There is no check and balance to control the prices; the administration needs to check and regulate the prices and take strict action against the profiteers.

Pakistan – No More Asia’s Bread Basket

Pakistan, once the “breadbasket” of Asia, is now dependent on India due to the false policies of successive governments. Pakistan now has the largest number of food insecure people. For the 120 million people who live and work on small farms, life has become extremely precarious. With appropriate government policy, small farmers have huge potential to increase food production, improve their lifestyle and contribute to greater food security for all Pakistanis.

The government’s wheat maintenance price policy does not give anything to small farmers as they usually have no or very little grain to sell due to smallholdings; the policy was only designed to facilitate large landlords. With the extreme increase in prices for wheat, in fact, has pushed the people of Pakistan towards a food price crisis. It is important that the government stays away from the temptation of increasing the minimum support price in the future. The PML(N) government. He came to power on promises to curb inflation, but large increases in food and fuel prices are a challenge. The government should take the necessary measures to control the ever rising food prices.

This article was originally published on December 13, 2015 and republished today as the situation remains exactly the same.


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