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Establishing a constitutional court is necessary and mandatory for timely justice, Bilwal Bhutto-Zardari Achi-News

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Except translation, this story has not been edited by achinews staff and is published from a syndicated feed.

Karachi (News Desk) People’s Party Chairman Billawal Bhutto Zardari has said that a constitutional court is necessary and mandatory, so he will continue to form a constitutional court. Bilwal Bhutto speaking at the Sindh High Court Bar in Karachi said that constitution and legislation cannot be made through the judiciary, the 19th constitutional amendment had to be introduced because of the threat of the Supreme Court, but whatever is happening now, bring judicial reforms back to the Democracy Charter He will continue to do.

He said, in the 18th Amendment, the method of appointing judges that is common throughout the world must be changed In America, the entire parliament decides on the appointment of judges, and that is the reason why martial law has not been action. America to date. Bilwal Bhutto said that the Constitutional Court is necessary and also mandatory, so he will continue to form the Constitutional Court so that no other Prime Minister can be put on the throne and people can get justice.

Chairman PP further said that an institution which gives justice has committed judicial murder, martyr Ms Benazir Bhutto witnessed the era of Zia-ul-Haq, every political worker was tortured, martyr Benazir knew that our system has to break it, at that time Iftikhar Chaudhry PCO He was not a revolutionary judge, there was no judge with a dam He said that it was decided at that time that a constitutional court would be formed and that people would get justice, at that time it was the courts determine the price of pakoras and tomatoes.

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(Except translation, this story has not been edited by achinews staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)
source link https://dailyausaf.com/pakistan/2024/09/24/61820/


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