HomeBusinessEgerton villager calls for action after car crashes at house Achi-News

Egerton villager calls for action after car crashes at house Achi-News

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George Birch moved to Egerton, one of Bolton’s prettiest places to live, just 18 months ago when a car crashed into the front wall of his property.

George, who lives on Pinnacle Drive, said if the accident had happened 20 minutes later, he might have been at the front door with his two children after picking them up from school.

The impact of the accident, George said, caused a crack in the inner and outer wall of his newly decorated office, and he needed the help of a structural engineer.

The accident happened last month (February).

The Bolton News: George Birch near the fallen brick in his houseGeorge Birch near the fallen brick in his house (Image: Public)Read some of our top stories below:

He said: “This incident wasn’t even in freezing conditions, so having two girls under the age of five in the house, we’re terrified when there’s snow in case this happens again.

“If it had been freezing and a lorry hit the house, it would have been a downer.”

George initially spoke to the council and asked for bollards to be installed outside his house, which would provide extra safety measures for pedestrians and stop cars hitting his home – and also help solve parking problems .

George said: “There was a problem at the beginning with parking because people were visiting local businesses in the area.

The Bolton News: The damage to George's houseThe damage to George’s house (Image: Public)“Especially with schools there, there is trouble crossing the road because of cars parked there.

“Highways recommended the bollards to stop parking, but they wanted me to pay.”

According to emails seen by The Bolton News this was not something the council would pay for.

The cost quoted by George is £250 per bollard, although there was no guarantee that this would be effective.

George said: “The last thing I would want is for it to happen again.

“I believe there have been a couple of near misses in the past, and it’s very possible it could happen again.

The Bolton News: The car that crashed into George Birch's houseThe car that crashed into George Birch’s house (Image: Public)“It is frustrating because there is no offer to work together.

“There needs to be some action and some kind of cooperation.

“I don’t believe I should have to pay something on a public path.

“We wouldn’t know this would happen until after we bought the house.”

Ward councilor Councilor Nadim Muslim says he is happy to discuss this with the resident and see if there are any other solutions available.

He said: “I’m happy to discuss this with them and see if there could be other solutions.

“But the council does not install bollards to protect property.

“With the recent incident on Darwen Road we are [local councillors] brought Highways out to look at it and they said they don’t put up bollards to protect property.

“If a car hit a house at speed, the bollard could come out of the ground and be thrown towards the house.

“It’s not unusual for the council to ask for a cost, as they do for markings outside people’s homes.”

A spokesman for Bolton Council said: “The Council has discussed the installation of bollards as a collision protection measure with the resident, and no further action has been requested.

“In terms of winter conditions, the road in question is on our gravel paths and is therefore treated in accordance with council policy.

“In addition, there is a gravel bin on the other side of the road should self-help be required.”

If you have a story and something you’d like to highlight in the community, email me at [email protected] or DM me on Twitter @JournoJasmine.


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