HomeBusinessCM Dadri Charkhi Flying Team raid captured mustard truck. CM Aviation...

CM Dadri Charkhi Flying Team raid captured mustard truck. CM Aviation Team Raid in Charkhi Dadri: Truck full of mustard captured, escaped from Rajasthan; Fined Rs 129375 – Charkhi Dadri News Achi-News

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Charkhi Dadri4 minutes ago

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Pickup still from CM flight team.

CM Flying Team Rohtak unit conducted a raid on Chidiya Road in Charkhi Dadri on Wednesday evening. During this, the team found a truck full of illegal mustard in front of an oil mill. Taking action on this, the Market Committee team has given a fine of Rs 14375 and a fine of Rs 1 lakh 15 thousand imposed by the GST Department, a total of Rs 1 lakh 29 thousand 375 thousand. Apart from this, a pickup driver loaded with sanitary products has also been fined for not having documents for the goods.

Truck captured by CM aviation team.

Truck captured by CM aviation team.

A fine of Rs 14,000 375 was imposed on the truck.


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