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clapping, rubbing soles with nails. Clapping, rubbing the soles of nails: Laugh openly, keep away from diseases, keep young, keep the heart healthy, strengthen hair. Achi-News

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New Delhi1 hour agoAuthor: Marzia Jaffer

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Due to poor lifestyle and eating habits, people suffer from various types of diseases. Some have diabetes, some have high blood pressure, some have cancer and others have the tension of increasing cholesterol. The problem is that most people are more alert about treatment after the disease rather than trying to avoid the disease. If an effort is made to prevent the disease before it occurs, the disease will not occur. Come Ayurvedacharya Dr. Let us know about the benefits of these practices by P. Parashar.

Improves health by rubbing soles

Wearing soles improves physical and mental health. This reduces stress. Sleep is good. The digestive system becomes stronger. The skin becomes shiny.

  • Rubbing the soles of the feet gives warmth to the body.
  • Rubbing the soles of the feet calms the mind and reduces stress.
  • Blood circulation improves.
  • Muscle and ankle stiffness disappears.
  • Provides relief from swelling and pain.
  • It also strengthens heels and joints.
  • Rubbing or massaging the soles of the feet before sleeping at night helps to get a good sleep.

how to rub soles

It is very easy to rub the soles of the feet. With the help of palms, you can rub or massage the soles of the feet. Hot mustard oil can be used for this.

palm rub

In case of a problem like unconsciousness, people start rubbing the patient’s palms and soles. This brings energy to the body and increases blood flow. In Ayurveda and Yoga, rubbing palms for a few minutes each day reduces stress. Blood circulation increases.

Energy comes to the body

There are many acupressure points in the palms, these points are connected to many parts of the body. Rubbing hands brings energy to the body. It ensures good blood circulation in the whole body.

tension goes away

After rubbing the palms, placing the hands on the eyes, the warmth of the palms reduces eye strain and promotes blood circulation in the surrounding area. This makes you feel calm and comfortable.

arm muscles become flexible

If you rub your palms, it does not cause stiffness in the wrists and fingers. This stretches the muscles and strengthens them.

Productivity improves

Applying it to the eyes after rubbing hands improves brain function. Good thoughts come to mind and increase positivity and self-confidence.

to clap

From a scientific point of view, clapping is a form of yoga. By clapping, blood circulation increases, all parts of the body become active and start working faster. Not only this, it also strengthens immunity.

clap like this

  • If you clap 400 times a day, arthritis will be cured. Do this activity for four months.
  • If your hands are shaking, clap 400 times every morning and evening. Do this activity continuously for six months.
  • If you suffer from heart, lung and liver disease, then clap about 300 times every morning and evening. You will get relief from these diseases.
  • If immunity is reduced then clap. This will increase blood circulation.
  • If you suffer from diseases such as headaches, diabetes and asthma then you should clap every day. Clap 200 times at a specific time in the morning and evening.
  • To control hair fall, clap in the morning and at night. Friction in the hands is beneficial for the hair on the head. The nerves of the palm and fingers are directly connected to the brain. These nerves become active during clapping.
  • Clapping 200 times after eating every day does not cause fat to accumulate in the body.
  • The nerves of the hand are directly connected to the brain. In such a situation, clapping helps break the habit of forgetting.
  • Before clapping, apply almond, coconut, sesame or olive oil to both hands.
  • If your hands get too hot while clapping, wait a while. Start this process again.

rubbing nails

Rubbing nails together helps in blood circulation. If the blood circulation in the body is not right, it causes damage to the skin, hair, brain as well as bones and muscles. But many people do not know the right way to rub nails.

prevent hair fall

Rubbing nails improves blood circulation to the scalp, which provides adequate nourishment to the hair. This reduces hair fall, strengthens hair and brings natural shine to the hair.

Improve brain function

There are many acupressure points in the nails, which are directly connected to the brain. When a nail is rubbed, it presses the acupressure points and improves brain function.

Relief from allergies and skin problems

Rubbing nails brings a natural glow to the skin and improves blood circulation in the skin. It also helps to reduce the symptoms of aging. Rubbing nails is very beneficial to get relief from many skin problems like rashes, rashes, allergies etc.

What is the correct way to rub nails?

To rub the nails, bend the fingers of both hands inwards. Place the nails of one hand on top of the nails of the other hand and rub them up and down. During this period, the mind must be kept calm and negative emotions must be thrown out. You have to do this for 8-10 minutes every day. But remember to avoid rubbing too quickly or putting too much pressure on the nails. High BP patients and pregnant women should not rub nails. Because this can cause a contraction in the uterus which can cause problems during birth. In addition, blood pressure can also get out of control.

laugh out loud

Yoga and Naturopathy experts believe that laughter is nothing less than medicine for the body. There is a Hashasanasana in yoga where you have to laugh out loud. Laughter openly reduces the risk of mental stress and depression. This has a good effect on heart health. Laughter is also very beneficial for breathing, which keeps the lungs healthy. Let us know why laughter is so beneficial for health.

the benefits of laughter

  • A greater and better amount of oxygen reaches the body because the heart’s pumping rate remains good.
  • The immune system becomes stronger. If immunity is good then diseases stay away. Starting the day with a smile keeps the whole day full of positivity.
  • A hormone called melatonin is produced in excess in the body, which helps provide restful sleep at night.
  • The risk of heart attack or other heart related diseases is reduced.
  • She can stay young and beautiful. Muscles work well. Which makes you look young.
  • Laughter drives away the fatigue and worries of the day. People who live under stress should make it a habit to laugh for no reason.
  • Oxygen enters and leaves the lungs quickly. This helps us take deep breaths. Laughter is needed to improve oxygen supply in the body.

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