HomeBusinessChunnu Thakur, a notorious criminal from Kathmandu, Nepal to Muzaffarpur. Police...

Chunnu Thakur, a notorious criminal from Kathmandu, Nepal to Muzaffarpur. Police raid house of notorious Chunnu Thakur: Effort to bust gang after arrest from Kathmandu, he absconded for 23 years – Muzaffarpur News Achi-News

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Muzaffarpur19 minutes ago

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After the arrest of the notorious Muzaffarpur criminal Chunnu Thakur from Kathmandu, now the police are raiding his hideouts and those associated with the gang. On Sunday, a police team led by SP Town Bhanu Pratap raided the residence of Chunnu Thakur in Ganipur. During this time, the police closed all the ways in and out of the house. The police team questioned the residents of the house.

During this police operation, many police stations of Muzaffarpur police


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