HomeBusinessCheti Chand festival organized in Sindhi community of Indore. Chetihand organized...

Cheti Chand festival organized in Sindhi community of Indore. Chetihand organized Mahotsav in Sindhi community Indore: Lord Jhulelal procession will be taken out with the Bahrana Jyot, along with palanquin and Kalash Yatra, food stalls will also be set up in the family fair – Indore News Achi-News

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Naresh Phundwani. Indore6 minutes ago

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Chetihand Mahotsav, the biggest festival of Sindhi society, will be celebrated with great pomp on 10 April. A procession of Lord Jhulelal (Varun Devta) will be held with the Bahrana Jyot. Along with this, social organizations will take out Baharana Yatra. Yuva Shakti will take out Ekta Sandesh Yatra, Bike Rally, Cycle Yatra. Jhulelalji palanquin and Kalash Yatra will be taken out by Mahila Shakti. There will also be programs for Sindhu Sanskar. Food stalls will also be set up during the festival along with a family fair.

Dayal Thakur, Harish Dawani, Ashok from Chetihand Utsav Committee


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