Achi news desk-
All ASHA workers of Kishanganj district were trained at Sadar Hospital by forming separate groups to screen people with symptoms of non-communicable diseases and all villagers above 30 years of age in the area and identify non-communicable diseases.
Dr. Urmila Kumari said that in order to strengthen the health services in the rural areas, training is provided according to the guidelines of the Ministry of Health. By receiving training, they will be able to provide better support in testing for non-communicable diseases at the Health and Welfare Center. He said that women workers organize training programs from time to time To strengthen their work capacity by providing orientation and advice to the last person in the village settlement to receive information about the Ministry of Health programs and to take advantage of the benefits of health services and programs.
He said that under the National Program for Prevention and Control of Cancer, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Diseases and Stroke (NPCDCS), the ASHA workers of the district have been trained to create awareness about non-communicable diseases and their prevention.
NCDO Dr. Urmila Kumari said that in the training program, training was provided to help identify and treat NCDs.