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Baroness Barker: ‘The fight against HIV will not be won without women’ Achi-News

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Over thirty years later since It’s A sin in Europe and the USA, the common image of someone living with HIV is a gay or bisexual man. Yet a third of people in England who are diagnosed and treated are women. Among the people found by the opt-out pilot scheme to test people in accident and emergency departments, funded by the Elton John Aids Foundation, was an eighty-six-year-old woman who was unaware of her status.

Despite forty years of significant success in HIV prevention and treatment women, from a wide variety of backgrounds and cultures, continue to face unique barriers to accessing care, support and education such as incorrect assumptions about risk. Many women in the UK are not offered information or tests. So while HIV diagnoses are falling in white gay and bisexual men, cases in heterosexual women rose 26% from 447 in 2021 to 564 in 2022. In terms of PrEP only 36% of women identified as needing started or continued PrEP 2022 Among men who have sex with men, the proportion was 74%.

Comprehensive sex education in schools and community outreach programs can empower women with the knowledge they need to protect themselves and others from HIV transmission. Especially when they address HIV stigma and discrimination, which often prevents women from seeking testing and treatment.

HIV testing is highest among gay, bisexual and men who have sex with men at 74% and lowest among eligible women at 38%. Barriers women face in HIV testing and health care services, including geographic distance, lack of transportation, need to be removed. Community-based clinics and integrated sexual health services accessible by public transport and open when women can juggle work and family responsibilities are essential. In addition, healthcare professionals should receive training on gender-sensitive care.


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Recognizing the diversity of women and the vulnerabilities of marginalized groups is key to increasing prevention and treatment testing. Women from ethnic minority backgrounds, LGBTQ+ women, and women who inject drugs are disproportionately affected and the difficulties they face need to be recognized to ensure that no woman is left behind in the response to HIV.

The government could do three things to address these issues.

  • The Government must carry out targeted HIV health promotion campaigns for women: These must be developed together with women.
  • Women’s Health Centers must be used for HIV services: Services offered in all Women’s Health Centers should include sexual health and HIV.
  • Ensure that healthcare professionals use appropriate language in dialogues with women: It is essential that healthcare professionals are able to discuss HIV more effectively with women.

After four decades we know that the messages and services to prevent HIV transmission and effectively treat people who are positive must be carefully crafted to reach different groups. The fight against HIV will not be won without women – even 86 year olds – so for everyone’s sake let’s get them involved now.

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