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Ancestors Rising: Muslim man in charge of renovating 700 year old temple! Achi-News

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The Jammu and Kashmir government has started renovating all the heritage religious places in the Kashmir region. The 700-year-old Mangaleswara Bhairava Temple in Srinagar’s Baba Demb area is also being renovated, restoring the temple to its original glory (Ancestors Rising). The project is expected to be completed by April this year.

Mangaleshwar Bhairava Temple at Jalamool on an island in Srinagar’s Baba Demb district was completely damaged in the floods of 2014. But now the archeology department is working to restore the temple as per its exact original architecture.


Expenditure of more than 16 lakhs
The government is spending more than Rs 16 lakh on the renovation of the temple and the project has been entrusted to the road and construction department. All the renovations to the temple are being completed in three phases in consultation with the Kashmir Pandit community.

Update in two parts
The total cost of the temple renovation project is Rs 1.62 crore. Therefore, there are two parts to the restoration. The first is the main part of the temple, to know exactly what the temple looked like before the renovation. The second part is to build a guard room. Muzaffar Ahmed, AEE from the Roads and Buildings Department, said that the hope is to complete it by the end of April.


Also read: Ancestors Rising: This 874-year-old stele tells the story of the Ganges!

A Muslim man is responsible for the temple!
Kashmir has always shown the best examples of brotherhood to the rest of the world. A Muslim man is in charge of this 700 year old Mangaleswara Bhairava temple. Riaz Ahmed has been taking care of Hindu temples for a long time and more than a year has passed since he started taking care of this temple.

Quench the thirst of the tired Bangalore Waterman!

This temple should be as it was before!
I am grateful to the government for taking the initiative to restore this temple which was damaged in the flood of 2014. I have been working with a Hindu organization since 2008. I am grateful to the government for deciding to restore the temple. I want the morning azaan and the temple bells to ring together to unite communities. This temple should be as it was before. I request all Pandit community to come back here and stay in peace. If Sikhs in Punjab grow rice for the rest of the country, why shouldn’t I care about Hindu temples? We are Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, all the same,” said Riaz Ahmed.


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