HomeBusinessAn executive engineer in charge who abuses a deferred villager. Acting...

An executive engineer in charge who abuses a deferred villager. Acting engineer in charge who abused villagers suspended: After investigating supervising engineer, Deputy Secretary contacted Rewa headquarters – Umaria News Achi-News

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Maintenance engineer in charge GR Gaikwad

The Executive Engineer in charge of the Public Works Department of Umaria district has been suspended by the Deputy Secretary of the department for misbehaving with a villager from Manpur.


Maintenance engineer in charge GR Gaikwad had abused Bhagirath Bhatt from Manpur on a mobile phone. After this, the villager complained about the executive engineer in charge to the senior officers of the department.

After this, Superintending Engineer Rewa investigated the complaint and the viral sound. After investigation, after the sound was confirmed, Public Works Department Deputy Secretary Niaz Ahmed Khan arrested the maintenance engineer in charge GR Gaikwad and linked him to the Rewa headquarters.


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