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An American woman living in India says that money is not important in life! Do you know why? Achi-News

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Except translation, this story has not been edited by achinews staff and is published from a syndicated feed.

Many of us leave our homeland and settle abroad for the facilities and privileges offered abroad. With the dream of earning more money in America and settling down in life, they leave the country and settle abroad. But this is an American citizen who has left America and settled in India because of Indian culture, heritage and virtues of Indians, so he should be admired.

This American woman stands out among the many who seek the comforts of life and health benefits offered by foreign institutions.


An American woman who is proud of India

Kristen Fisher, an American woman who is the mother of three children, shared in a moving video on Instagram why she left America and settled in India.

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In the midst of those who talk down about the system and security of our country, Kristen spoke about the wonderful aspects of the country and said that India is a place of pride for me.


Why is India different from America?

When Kristen decided to stay in Delhi in 2021, many people were surprised by her decision. In his video, Fisher said that he is not against American culture and civilization there, I still love my motherland, America, and said that I enjoy all these elements in India, the elements of sovereignty, unity and harmony in India, which are not in America.

American wife Kristen Fisher

Money is not just life

Stating that life and life experience are more important to him than money, Fisher said that money is not the only reason for his stay in India, but other factors are important.


Not only did Fisher’s video quickly go viral, it garnered more than a million views, 34,700 likes, and over 1,400 comments.

America has many problems too

Fisher, who is mentioned as Very Foreigner in his Instagram bio, says that if you are in India, you think that life in America is too luxurious and you decide to settle in America.

I want to leave here and be in a better country like America. Many people question and complain about leaving a country like America and settling in India.


Don’t get me wrong, I have a lot of love for America because that’s where I was born and raised, I have my family there, it’s a great place but it’s not a good place, and there are a lot of places like America that have all kinds of problems,” Fisher said.

Community inspiration does not exist in America

I feel that my children will grow up in a more socially connected environment in India, and that my children will have a successful life and a better future in India.


Continuing his speech, Fisher spoke about India’s rich heritage, culture and the wonderful people around him.

According to Fisher, this community spirit is disappearing in America, where there is a growing do-it-yourself attitude.


Feeling alone

Many Indians living in America have also echoed Fisher’s words and said that they suffer from the feeling of being alone in America.

Fisher mentions that America may have enough facilities and economic advantages, but that country can offer a high standard of living, but compared to India, there is no social life and sense of community in America.

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America is suitable if the only goal is to make money

You can make more money in America. If earning money is your only goal in life, life in America will be better for you.

But I think there are much better things in life than money. There are many considerations beyond money. All which is not available there as you get it in India. But the happiness and self-satisfaction found in India cannot be found anywhere else, says Fisher.

Many social media users echoed Fisher saying that whether you are a foreigner or a local resident, the people here make your place your home and that magic lies in Indian soil.

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(Except translation, this story has not been edited by achinews staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)
source link https://kannada.news18.com/news/national-international/an-american-woman-living-in-india-says-that-money-is-not-important-in-life-do-you-know-why-stg-pjl-1870707.html


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