HomeBusinessA Winnipeg mom is on a citywide Easter egg hunt Achi-News

A Winnipeg mom is on a citywide Easter egg hunt Achi-News

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A Winnipeg mom is working to spread the joy this Easter by getting the whole city to participate in an Easter egg hunt.

Frances Hall said she started hiding eggs in her neighborhood in 2021 after her son asked to help children who might not be able to celebrate Easter during the pandemic.

He said they filled small plastic eggs with goodies and hid them around the neighborhood.

This turned out to be hidden around Winnipeg.

“Then my son started suggesting as we go out and do some errands, it’s like ‘Let’s go and hide some of the eggs outside the shop or just outside the doctor’s office or a little outside the playground.’…So that’s how we really started to expand. ,” Hall said.

An Easter egg hidden somewhere in Winnipeg. March 24, 2024. (Frances Hall)

Now, she hides the eggs, takes pictures of the area and posts them on her egg hunt Facebook page as clues for people to find them.

“It kind of started to take off. Other people started hiding eggs. Other people started finding it and as soon as they found an egg, they would go make more of their home and then went (hiding them). So it started to expand as other people started to join and get excited about it too.”

Normally, she starts hiding eggs a month before Easter, but with the colder weather, the 2024 hunt didn’t start until after St. Patrick’s Day. People can hunt for eggs until at least Easter Monday, Hall said.

Since starting this, the stories and feedback Hall has heard has been amazing he says.

“They’ll say, ‘I’m an adult and looking for this egg made me feel like a kid again and it brightened my day.'”

An Easter egg hidden somewhere in Winnipeg. March 24, 2024. (Frances Hall)

Hall even hides eggs from time to time called golden eggs that have some money inside them.

“A mother and her children found the golden egg (once) and the children were very upset. In the end they went to the corner shop not too far away from where they were ‘live and in the end the children bought treats for themselves (themselves) and their sibling. put the rest into the small charity box on the counter. The children were so happy they got excited and start hiding their own eggs.”

He hopes more people will join the hunt in Winnipeg and he doesn’t plan on stopping anytime soon.

“I’ve got quite a few years ahead of me and to be honest, because I’m having fun, I might continue with it once my children are adults.”


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