


A special summer train will pass through Chapra. A special summer train will travel through Chapra: it will operate in one trip between...

Achi news desk-Chafra9 minutes agoCopy linkKeeping in mind the extra rush of passengers in summer, the Railway Directorate is running special summer unbooked train...

Only one teacher among 200 students at the Government Physical Education Training College in GPM | Only one permanent position among 200 students:...

Achi news desk-Gaorla-Pendra-Marwahi4 hours agoCopy linkThe entire building of the only Gaurela-Pendra-Marwahi Government Physical College is turning into ruins due to lack of maintenance....

‘Clash is another name for life’, the post of UPSC candidate who failed in 12 attempts goes viral – News18 Bangla Achi-News

Achi news desk-Calcutta: “Fight Connie, Fight”. In the ears of a dilated, fainting man, this is the mantra of Mahamrityunjaya...

Dubai Flash Update: Flood wreaks havoc in Dubai L Uae Weather L Flights. Heavy Rain – Amar Ojala Live Hindi News Achi-News

Achi news desk- Disclaimer We collect information about you through data collection tools, such as cookies, to provide you with a better and more personalized experience...

The UK Government withdraws the SNP’s Horizon bill to cover Scotland Achi-News

Achi news desk- However, they have been told that it is up to the Scottish Government and...
