HomeBusinessA head-on collision between a trailer and a truck in Quiberdham caused...

A head-on collision between a trailer and a truck in Quiberdham caused a fire in both vehicles A head-on collision between a trailer and a truck in Civerdham: both vehicles burned to ashes due to a fire, a scorpion was also hit; 3 injured in the accident – kabirdham news Achi-News

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Cabirdham4 hours ago

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In a horrific road accident in the Kabirdham district on Saturday night, a speeding trailer loaded with iron hit a scorpion and collided with a lorry loaded with wheat coming in front. After the accident, the trailer and the truck caught fire, while the Scorpion was destroyed in the accident. Three people traveling in the Scorpio were seriously injured.

This accident took place in Agri Kala village under Dashrangpur district police station.


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