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A five-day festival on the birthday of Pt. Pradeep Mishra A five-day festival on the birthday of Pt. Pradeep Mishra: Satsang recitation, bhajan kirtan and Hanuman Chalisa will be organized – Sehore News Achi-News

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Like every year, this year too, on the occasion of storyteller Pandit Pradeep Mishra’s birthday, a five-day satsang, bhajan and kirtan was organized under the auspices of Vithalesh Seva Samiti, Shraddha Bhakti Seva Samiti and District Sanskar Manch at Sankalp Old Age Home located in Saikarkhedi the city.


The five-day festival was started by Pandit Manoj Dixit Mama, Pandit Sunil Parashar and Sachin Trivedi, the priest of the famous Shani Temple Ujjain, on behalf of the committee headed by the centre’s director, Rahul Singh. On Saturday, the first day of the satsang began with the worship of Lord Shiva after which Hanuman Chalisa along with bhajan-kirtan of Lord Shiva and Hanuman etc. were recited by the elders and beneficiaries present here. Prasad will be distributed along with satsang and afternoon discourse on Ganga Dussehra on Sunday.

On this occasion, during the satsang on Saturday, Pandit Parashar said that the place where satsang is organized becomes holy. The devotees who participate in satsang cross the ocean of existence. He said that God gave us a human body.

This human body is obtained through rigorous penance in previous births. In such a situation, a man should not let his life go in vain. While engrossed in your daily work, you should take time to engage in Bhagwat Bhajan so that the mind can have inner peace and happiness.

Man gets the opportunity to reach God by taking shelter of saints through satsang, so man should get spiritual benefits by attending satsang. He said that by following the path shown by the saints and praising Sadhguru, the obstacles in life are removed.


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