HomeBusinessA fire broke out in the house, VIDEO | House caught...

A fire broke out in the house, VIDEO | House caught fire, VIDEO: Farmer said – Goods worth Rs 2 lakh burnt to ashes; Jatakheda case from Sehore – Jata Kheda News Achi-News

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A house caught fire in Jatakheda Panchayat of Sehore Panchayat District. The goods kept in it were destroyed. The fire brigade came to control the fire. The fire was still burning in the house in the morning, which was again extinguished by the fire brigade.


The incident happened around 12 midnight on Monday. A sudden fire broke out in the house built near the well of farmer Premnarayan Verma. He said that the agricultural implements, the chaff and the straw etc. kept in it were burnt to dust in the fire. Describing the incident, he said that my house was set on fire by an unknown person out of hatred. When we came to know about the fire, we reached the van and tried to extinguish the fire but by then the fire had taken a huge form.

When we couldn’t control the fire, we called the fire brigade. By the time she arrived the whole thing had been burnt to ashes. The fire brigade extinguished the fire. In the morning the fire was smoldering in the house again, so it was put out. I suffered a loss of Rs 2 lakh in this.


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