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Rwanda Bill sent back to MPs after lords inflict seven defeats on government Achi-News

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The Rwanda Security Bill has been sent back to MPs by lords, after the House of Lords inflicted seven defeats on the government on Wednesday night.

The Lords voted that the government’s bill should give “due regard” to international law, and that the UK’s agreement with Rwanda should be fully implemented before flights begin.

The Lords defeated the government on all seven votes by at least 50, including passing an amendment that would exempt individuals who have supported British troops from being deported to Rwanda.

When lords voted on amendments on Monday, the government lost by around 100 votes.


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Then, in a series of votes on Tuesday night, a majority of MPs in the House of Commons voted to override the Lords’ amendments.

Speaking in the Lords debate on Wednesday, Labour’s Vernon Coaker told peers that the country’s reputation was at stake, stressing that it “cannot be right” that the fundamental bill exempts ministers from following international law.

He criticized the House of Commons for rejecting all the Lords’ initial amendments “carte blanche”.

He also bemoaned the ongoing parliamentary ping pong which is due to continue after the Easter recess, saying it was “the government’s control of its own timetable”.

While prime minister Rishi Sunak has said he wants flights off the ground in the spring, it is unclear whether the two houses of parliament will be able to reach a consensus before they go into recess next week.

This means that a new vote will need to be organized in the House of Commons for MPs to consider the changes.

The losses for the government on Wednesday included:

  • An amendment to make sure that the legislation gives “due regard” to international law (271 votes to 228).
  • An amendment which states that it is only safe in Rwanda while the provision in the agreement with the UK is in place (285 to 230).
  • Amendment to verify whether Rwanda complies with its treaty obligations (276 to 226).
  • Amendment allowing individual appeals based on security in Rwanda (263 to 233).
  • An amendment that requires the local authority to carry out age assessments for those being deported (249 to 219).
  • An amendment that prevents those who say they are victims of modern slavery from being deported (251 to 214).
  • Amendment to prevent the deportation of those who have served with or on behalf of the UK armed forces (248 to 209).

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