HomeBusinessIt became known how prices for vegetables and fruits have changed in...

It became known how prices for vegetables and fruits have changed in Ukraine – AgroNews Achi-News

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26.03.2024 08:07

The quality of carrots continues to rise in price in Ukraine. In addition, beet prices rose last week. At the same time, the active sale of white cabbage stocks forced sellers to lower prices for low-quality products. This is reported by EastFruit, writes agronews.ua.

The cold weather has led to an increase in the prices of greenhouse cucumbers. Cauliflower has started to become cheaper. At the same time, prices for Beijing and broccoli rose. The price of garlic is rising for the third week in a row. A pumpkin was sold more expensive than a week before. In the green vegetables segment, the price of dill and arugula increased, while the prices of green onions and lettuce decreased.

Prices in the fruit and berry segment changed in different directions. The price of apples has fallen, and the price of pears has risen. Lemon and mandarin prices fell, and grapefruit increased. Grapes were sold more expensively than the previous week, while kiwifruit and pomegranates were cheaper. Garden strawberry prices continue to fall.


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