HomeBusinessTwo out of five children are deprived of an education Achi-News

Two out of five children are deprived of an education Achi-News

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The impact of this educational crisis on the children of Yemen and their future is profound. If there is no immediate intervention or measures in this regard, there is a risk that the entire generation will be left behind.

Yemen: Two out of five children are deprived of education
Yemen: Two out of five children are deprived of education


According to a recent report, if Yemeni children’s education and their future are not immediately addressed, the entire generation of this war-torn country is in danger of being left behind in the world, and has also had terrible effect on education. The Save the Children charity said on Monday that 4.5 million children in Yemen are unable to get an education. The figures show that everyday life remains uncertain in the Arabian Peninsula’s poorest country, despite remaining relatively peaceful following a ceasefire in April 2022.

“Two in five or 4.5 million children are out of school, while homeless children are twice as likely to drop out as their peers,” the group said in its report. “A third of the families questioned have at least one child who has dropped out of school in the last two years despite the ceasefire organized by the United Nations,” he said.

Yemen’s conflict began in September 2014, when Houthi rebels, backed by Iran, seized the capital, Sanaa. The latest report says two-thirds of Yemen’s 33 million people live below the poverty line, while 4.5 million have been displaced due to economic insecurity during the war. “Nine years into this forgotten conflict, we are facing an education crisis,” said Mohammed Manna, interim country director of Save the Children in Yemen. This has never happened before.”

He added, “We must now give a wake-up call and act now to protect these children and their future.” According to the report, 14 percent of the families in the survey had their children leave school. Uncertainty has also been stated as the reason.

But a large majority, around 44 percent, pointed to economic reasons, especially their need for income support, for not sending their children to school. 20 per cent of families said they could not afford their children’s school fees.

The charity added, “The impact of this education crisis on Yemeni children and their future is profound. If there is no immediate intervention or measures in this regard, there is a risk that the entire generation will be left behind in the world.

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