HomeBusinessPublication of an Inquiry into the Disgraceful Surgeon Eljamel Achi-News

Publication of an Inquiry into the Disgraceful Surgeon Eljamel Achi-News

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Professor Sam Eljamel’s protest © PA Wire

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The First Minister of Scotland, Humza Yousaf, has revealed that a public inquiry has been established to investigate the actions of Professor Sam Eljamel, a neurosurgeon who has been accused of misconduct.

Professor Eljamel served in Tayside NHS from 1995 until he was suspended in 2013 because of what Mr. Yousaf described as “very worrying behaviour.”

Demand for a public inquiry has increased significantly following the recent release of a report by NHS Tayside. The report revealed that Professor Eljamel had operated on 111 patients during the period between his suspension and his departure from the institution.

Jules Rose, who has been advocating for an inquiry for the past ten years and has set up a pressure group to promote the cause, said earlier this month that the number of potential patients affected by Professor Eljamel’s actions could be more than 200.

Speaking at Holyrood on Thursday – before a statement from Health Secretary Michael Matheson on the matter – Mr Yousaf said: “This is a very important matter and I can inform the chamber today that Health Secretary Michael Matheson will use his statement to’ this chamber. afternoon to confirm that the Government has decided to commission a full, independent public inquiry.

“This comes after very careful consideration of the recent due diligence review, which said concerns about Professor Eljamel were not acted upon with the urgency they deserved.

“In commissioning the inquiry, it remains important that those people directly affected are still supported to find the answers they need and that staff and patients across Scotland know that lessons are being learned.”

Scottish Labor Member of Parliament, Michael Marra, who is part of a coalition of politicians from the Tayside and Perth region who are advocating for an investigation, said that an announcement by the government must be made with effort. He also offered praise to Ms Rose and her fellow campaigner Pat Kelly for their persistence.

Mr. objected. I will preface this characterization by saying that he and the Health Secretary had never ruled out the possibility of a public inquiry into the actions of the disgraced surgeon.

Conservative MP Liz Smith, a long-standing advocate for victims seeking answers, warmly welcomed the decision. He also raised the suggestion of exploring the possibility of establishing a victim support fund for those affected by these events.

Mr Yousaf said: “As Liz Smith knows very well, there are appropriate pathways in relation to compensation that families can go through when it comes to health boards.

“Of course, if there are other avenues we can explore to support patients, then we will consider that, but there are already established avenues for patients who have suffered as a result of the NHS to be able to claim compensation.”

He admitted, however, that these paths to compensation “can be difficult to navigate”, reiterating that the Government will investigate any assistance that can be offered.

The announcement follows a collection of patients who were harmed by Professor Eljamel during his time at NHS Tayside, along with campaigners. They gathered outside the Scottish Parliament on Wednesday, wearing surgical gowns as a symbolic call for a public inquiry.

At the same time, on that very day, Mr Matheson informed the journalists that there was a possibility that the errant doctor could be extradited from his current home in Libya to face legal consequences in Scotland.


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