HomeBusiness3 Tajik militants apologized to the court for bleeding Moscow Achi-News

3 Tajik militants apologized to the court for bleeding Moscow Achi-News

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Daily Digital Desk News: Russia is being bled by the worst terrorist attack in recent times. The death toll has risen to 150 after four gunmen attacked Moscow’s Crockers Hall during the incident last Friday night. The international terrorist organization Islamic State (Khorasan) has claimed responsibility for this terrible attack. On Saturday, the Russian police arrested the 4 accused in this incident. All were found guilty by Russian courts.

Several countries, including India and the United States, have condemned the murders that took place in Russia last week. Russian President Vladimir Putin has threatened to severely punish criminals. According to the AFP news agency, 4 accused were taken to court on Sunday. There 3 people admitted their guilt. All have been remanded in custody until May 22. After that, their next hearing will be held.

[আরও পড়ুন: সাইকেলে ধাক্কা ট্রাকের, আমেরিকার পর লন্ডনের পথে মর্মান্তিক মৃত্যু ভারতীয় পড়ুয়ার]

It is known that 4 accused are residents of Tajikistan. Their names are Dalerdjan Mirzoev (32), Saidakrami Rachabalizoda (30), Mukhammadsobir Faizov (19) and Shamsidin Fariduni (25). All of them were taken to the Basmany District Court in Moscow. Last Saturday, together with them, the Russian police arrested 7 other people on suspicion of being part of the attack. Mirzoev, Rachabalizoda, Fariduni pleaded guilty on Sunday. On the other hand, Faizov was brought to court in a wheelchair. He had multiple injuries on his body. There was a bandage on the ear. He was under the supervision of doctors during the court hearing.

Note that the video of Friday’s concert attack has already gone viral. The video is known to have been published from the Telegram account of a news organization linked to the Islamic State. A video, possibly taken in the lobby of Crockers Hall, shows a panicked crowd running in front of the militants’ pointed guns. The attackers are firing continuously in the meantime. Dead bodies are scattered here and there. The horrific vandalism scene shown in the video of about a minute and a half has spread in the net world. National mourning was observed across Russia on Sunday.

[আরও পড়ুন: জেদ ভুলে ভারতের সঙ্গে দ্বন্দ্ব মেটান, ‘চিনপন্থী’ মুইজ্জুকে পরামর্শ প্রাক্তন প্রেসিডেন্টের]


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