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Home of Hope: Durham Donkey Rescue Mission for Peace and Healing – Consett Magazine Achi-News

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We are a small family friendly charity run by a group of willing volunteers. The Rescue promotes peace and tranquility, for our beloved donkeys and for visitors.

Durham Donkey Rescue was awarded full charity status in February 2023. We are amazed at how many donkeys arrive with multiple mental and physical problems. We have been equally astounded by the extent of some of the physical problems – we did not expect to see the scale of abuse seen, in this country.

In 2023, we saw a huge increase in the number of donkeys brought to us, possibly due to the cost of living crisis. Fortunately, 2023 has also seen us able to recruit a number of volunteers. This has been essential to running the Rescue successfully, and our volunteers have been a great source of help, with donkey care and practical tasks, such as helping to build a new stable which is used on a ‘needs’ basis.

However, we are underfunded and have not yet received any grants. In order for the Rescue to continue running, we are always trying to raise money.

The ways in which money can be raised are as follows:

Sponsorship of donkeys – currently 14 of our beautiful donkeys are sponsored, at a cost of £4 per month (or an annual fee of £40)

Gift Tickets – can be redeemed for events or accommodation. Ideal as a gift for a loved one (any quantity can be purchased)

Open Days – we hold 8 of these a year (from Spring to the end of the year). Members of the public are invited, and we ask for a donation to gain entry. (Starts 30 March 2024)

Walking and Hugging With Donkeys / Meet and Hug Donkeys – (From March 2024)

We also hope to run more Meet and Hug Days for people who don’t want to or maybe can’t walk with the donkeys.

There are several Welfare Days, are run for various organizations – these are particularly popular during the summer months. This year we are trying to extend our Welfare Days. Our aim is to provide an educational setting where children and adults can interact with the donkeys. We hope to be able to offer further facilities to those with educational needs, or to people recovering from illness – our location is perfect for those who want some peace, rest or relaxation for a while.

One very popular source of fundraising is renting out ours Shepherd’s Hut and Showman’s Wagon – come and stay in the fields with the donkeys during the lighter months of the year. This is also great for stargazing as we are located in the countryside with limited light pollution.

During 2024 we intend to increase our Fundraising Team as we really need further income. We hope to open a Charity Shop in Langley Moor, Durham as soon as time allows for decorating and refurbishing the shop.

Goals for 2024:

We hope to be in a financial position to expand our stables. Not all the donkeys that come into our care can be rehomed – some have to stay with us permanently due to their specific needs. (For example, in 2023 we took in 18 donkeys, but we can only rehome 9 of them). The rehousing situation is always difficult. We are determined to vet the people and homes that donkeys will relocate to stop the cycle of abuse that we have, unfortunately, seen since opening.

Many of the donkeys in our care are physically and mentally scarred and can come to us for many reasons such as divorce, financial problems, or the survival of their owners.

Our first Open Day this year is Saturday 30thed March 2024 (Easter Saturday) 12-2pm.

Entry is by donation on the day. Unfortunately, dogs are not allowed on site due to the nervous nature of many of the donkeys. We kindly ask that all children are supervised by an adult (as donkeys can sometimes bite).

Check our website for this year’s Open Days, the availability of our beautiful accommodation and further events.

We are currently in the process of converting a Sea King Helicopter which has been kindly given to us. The helicopter is about to be converted into a stable for new donkeys who need to be isolated initially on arrival.
Why not be the first to come and visit donkeys that live in a helicopter!

We are always grateful for donations of either money or goods needed to support our many donkeys, by purchasing virtual donations – https://www.peoplesfundraising.com/wall/durham-donkey-rescue

If you are interested in helping in any way, please visit our website – durham-donkey-rescue.co.uk and go to the page “How can you Help?

If you are interested in volunteering for a few hours each week, we would love to hear from you There are regular updates on Facebook – Durham Donkey Rescue.

We can be contacted via our website: durham-donkey-rescue.co.uk

We kindly ask that visitors only come to the Rescue on designated days to avoid distressed donkeys who need a peaceful, quiet environment to thrive in – thank you!

We are located at:
Durham Donkey Rescue, West Edmondsley Farm, Edmondsley, Durham DH7 6EY

This is a beautiful location and especially lovely to visit during the warm summer months

Registered charity number 1201801


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