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Article Contest: Write an Article for InfoQ and Win a Qcon or Dev Summit Pass Achi-News

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Do you want to share your experience and knowledge with the InfoQ audience? Would you like the chance to win a free ticket to future InfoQ Dev Summits and QCons? You’re in luck, as the InfoQ team is running a limited-time article writing contest. Read on to learn how to enter and the terms and conditions.

InfoQ’s mission and how you can help

Software is changing the world, and InfoQ’s mission is to help developers learn and adopt new technologies and practices. Our goal is to spot emerging trends in software development that we believe have broad applicability and make our community aware of them early on. One way to do this is by publishing quality articles. We believe the best way to tell the story is between developer to developer, architect to architect, and team leader to team leader. That’s why we need you to contribute an article describing your architecture story, latest learning, or technology case study.

We regularly encourage software practitioners and domain experts to submit feature length articles (2000 – 3000 words) that are timely, informative and practical. We carefully curate and peer-review everything published, as we strongly believe that the high-quality insights offered by our editors and other contributors have the power to lift entire communities.

To support this purpose, we invite you, the members of the software community, to submit articles and participate in sharing information with your peers. And to add extra incentive, we’re running an article competition with free tickets to our event for a limited time as prizes!


Articles should be:

  • Timely – because InfoQ tracks important and significant trends in our respective communities.
  • Educational – which means they should teach our readers something non-trivial.
  • Practical – which means that readers should take away processes and practices that they can use in their everyday work.
  • Free marketing – our readers expect InfoQ content to be educational, accurate, technical, and without hidden marketing agendas.

InfoQ readers are senior software engineers, software architects, and team leaders who influence the adoption of innovations and practices. Therefore, articles should have specific takeaways, and readers should walk away with actions to perform, a new theory to think about, or a thought-provoking question to answer.

Before submitting a proposal, please read our author guidelines to ensure the best chance of your article being accepted. You can submit the article proposal by completing the a dedicated competition form. This form will be open for submissions only during the established period: April 08 – May 10, 2024.

If you would like feedback on the suitability of an article proposal before writing the actual draft, please send us a title and abstract. However, acceptance is always based on the full article draft, not just the abstract; first drafts are also considered. Please contact us at [email protected] for any questions or further information.

What’s for you?

While we are aware that the community is the biggest winner, we are proud and grateful to be able to offer a number of benefits to contributors in return:

Win a ticket to one of our upcoming conferences

The authors of the articles that generate the most interest and/or appreciation from the community will be rewarded with a ticket to an upcoming event:

  • 1st prize – win a personal ticket to QCon of your choice: San Francisco or London
  • 2nd prize – win a personalized ticket to the InfoQ Dev Summit of your choice
  • 3rd prize – win a Video Only Ticket access to on-demand talks after the conference for one of our events of your choice: London or San Francisco

Personal tickets for QCon events include access to 3 days of sessions, keynotes, peer sharing, and recordings of the post-conference talks, as follows:

  • All tracks, sessions, and keynotes for 3 days
  • Networking and peer sharing opportunities
  • Continental breakfast, lunch, and coffee breaks
  • Recordings of most sessions and keynotes for 6 months after the conference
  • Social events and receptions
  • Access to the exhibition area

Personal tickets for QCon events do not include any other costs that your presence on site may involve, such as but not limited to: accommodation, travel, etc. If you are unable to attend in person, you can opt-in for Video-only Access to most sessions and keynotes for 6 months.

Personal tickets for InfoQ Dev Summit events include access to 2 days of sessions, social events, peer sharing, as follows:

  • 2 days of sessions
  • 2 Attendee Social Meetings and peer sharing opportunities
  • Lunch and coffee breaks
  • Access to the exhibition area

Personal tickets for InfoQ Development Summit events do not include any other costs that your presence on site may involve, such as but not limited to: accommodation, travel, etc.

Video Only Tickets include access to a recording for most sessions and a keynote for 6 months.

Raise your professional profile

InfoQ’s audience exceeds 1.5 million unique visitors each month. Writing for InfoQ will help raise your profile with an international audience of developers who want to learn about emerging trends. We also share the content on our social media channels. Getting published on InfoQ is a great opportunity to grow your career and build connections with the development community.

Give back to the community

As a software practitioner, you would share your knowledge, experience and expertise with the community and your peers. Other developers can learn from you, and they can in turn contribute back to the community in the future.


We welcome articles that follow the pioneer and early adopter stages of the following topics: AI, ML & Data Engineering, DevOps & Cloud, Software Architecture & Design:

Here is a more detailed list of the sub-topics for each topic:

  • AI, ML, and Data Engineering: Information Graphs, Descriptive Al, Synthetic Data Generation, Brain-Computer Interfaces, Automated Machine Learning (AutoML), Robotics, Edge Interference / model training, Large-scale distributed deep learning, Cloud agnostic computing for Al, Al coding assistants, Vector Databases, Data Contracts, Data Observation, Virtual Reality/AR/MR/XR, MLOps, Cognitive Services, Image Recognition (Computer Vision), Graph Data Analytics, LoT Platforms.
  • DevOps & Cloud: Data Observation, Data Mesh, Cross-cloud uniform sub-automation, Application definition and orchestration, Low-code platforms, SLOS, Platform Engineering teams, Industry aggregate event analysis, Quantum cloud computing, WebAssembly (Wasm), eBPF, Policy as Code , Service mesh, secure supply chain Software, Cross-Cloud/Cloud-native hybrid approaches, No copy data sharing, sustainability accounting, Al/ML Ops, Active-Active Global DB Operations, Full Stack Tracking, Continuous Testing, ChatOps, DataOps, “DevEx” Developer Experience, Documentation as code, Security in the age of AI, Capacity Security and Observability in Kubernetes Environments, DevSecOps Best Practices for Identity and Access Control, Best Practices for API Quality and Security.
  • Software Architecture and Design: Big language models, Software supply chain security, Design for sustainability, GraphQL federation, Policy as code, НТТР/3, dApps, Design for portability, Data-driven architecture, Architecture as a team sport, WebAssembly (Server-Side and Client-side), Design for security, Design for resilience, Design for observability, Micro frontends, AsyncAPI, Workflow and decision automation platforms, Low code / no code.

Criteria for winning articles

The highest number of page views + the highest number of social media shares, as follows: of the top 3 articles in terms of pageviews, the one with the highest number of social media shares will be the designated 1st place winner. The second will be the 2nd place winner and the third will be the 3rd place winner.

The number of page views for each published article will be counted for 14 calendar days from the date of publication of the relevant article, to ensure that all participants have a fair chance to win. The social media shares will be counted for the following channels: LinkedIn, X (Twitter), Facebook (including Instagram and Threads).

Winners will be notified by email, and the announcement will also be posted on our social media channels on July 8, 2024.

Time limits

  • The deadline for sending article submissions is May 10, 2024.
  • The winners will be announced on 08 July, 2024.

Announcing winners

Winners will be notified by email, but also through public announcements on the following channels: LinkedIn, X (Twitter), Facebook. The publication will be launched on 08 July, 2024.

Submit your offer to participate!

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