HomeBusinessIndia helps five countries develop early warning systems says Imd - Amar...

India helps five countries develop early warning systems says Imd – Amar Ojla Live Hindi News Achi-News

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The head of the Indian Meteorological Department, Martyunjay Mahapatra, said that India is assisting in the development of early warning systems regarding the weather in five neighboring countries. The neighboring countries that India assists include Nepal, Maldives, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Mauritius. The IMD chief said its aim is to prevent loss of life and property due to seasonal disasters. Petra said that India will play the role of the elder brother and help its neighboring countries to save themselves from natural disasters.

India will help five countries in the first phase

The United Nations launched a campaign called Early Warning for All. This campaign began in 2022, where the emphasis is on protecting all countries from natural disasters by 2027. Mohapatra said that “India will help five of the 30 countries identified as part of the first phase of this campaign.” Fifty percent of the countries still do not have an early warning system, which includes poor, small and island countries. Due to the lack of an early warning system, a large number of lives and property are lost in natural disasters in these countries.

An increase in the number of natural disasters

Financial assistance will be provided on the basis of a public-private partnership for the establishment of an early warning system regarding the weather in these countries. Whereas technical support will be provided by India. According to the World Meteorological Organization report, 101 countries still do not have a weather early warning system. According to the report, water-related disasters increased fivefold between 1970 and 2019. Between 1970 and 2021, water-related disasters caused 2 million deaths and $4.3 trillion in losses.

Every year more than 41 thousand deaths occur due to disasters.

Every year between 2015 and 2022, more than 41 thousand people die in disasters. Also, the number of people affected by disasters is constantly increasing. In Asia alone, more than 1,46,000 people died as a result of floods and storms between 2013 and 2022. There will be an economic loss of 36 billion dollars in 2022 alone. It is feared that by 2030, 560 medium to large disasters may occur in the world every year.


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