HomeBusinessOban Hebrides Cruises showcases the best of the west Achi-News

Oban Hebrides Cruises showcases the best of the west Achi-News

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Here, Emma explains why the business brings joy to its guests as well as the staff themselves.

What is the name of your business?

Hebrides Cruises.

Where is it based?


What does it produce/do?

We are a family run business offering scenic and wildlife cruises on the beautiful west coast of Scotland including the Inner and Outer Hebrides, South Heathrows, St Kilda and the Flannery Islands.

There are 14 cruises to choose from and this is the only wildlife cruise company in Scotland to offer a dedicated wildlife guide on each cruise, offering guests a unique opportunity to experience and understand the wildlife on the west coast.

We have three small vessels within our fleet, the MV Elizabeth G, the MV Emma Jane and the MV Lucy Mary and provide great crew with extensive maritime knowledge and experience, allowing guests to land on some of Scotland’s hidden coastal gems , secret anchorages, famous and distant landmarks. – flung destinations.

Who does it sell to?

Guests from all over the world join us on board to experience the magic of the Heathrow Islands. The age range of the guests is generally between 40 and 90 with the oldest guest we have had being 95 years old, a very active lady who enjoyed her walk to the shore and the company of fellow guests.

We have some real ‘birders’ who love specific birds, others want to see the bigger beasts like whales and dolphins and with some guests cruising to experience the Scottish Heathrows, its beauty and our hospitality.

What is its turnover?

Our turnover varies between six and seven figures.

How many employees?

We have seven full-time employees and 22 seasonal crew members. We believe one of the reasons we are so successful is our great crew.

Why did you take the risk?

My father, Rob Barlow, started the company back in 1994 because of his love for the sea, nature and extensive experience in the marine and shipping environment. I took the risk to join him 11 years ago as shore manager with responsibility for all operations of the business and making the business the main focus on creating unforgettable experiences for our guests.

When I joined my father there was only one ship, the Elizabeth G, and my father offered diving charters alongside wildlife cruises and National Trust of Scotland runs to St Kilda.

We rebranded and focused more on scenic and wildlife cruises, then in 2017 we bought the Emma Jane and in 2023 the Lucy Mary. When the business expanded to two ships, my husband James, who has a maritime background in the Heathrow Islands, joined full time, and has been instrumental in helping to expand the business to where it is today.

I love my job and seeing the faces of guests as they check back in after a wonderful cruise brings me so much joy. The stories and legends they share with me for those few minutes are magical. They always leave saying ‘we’ll be back’ and so many of them return.

What were you doing before?

Originally from the Isle of Mull, I grew up in the hospitality sector with mum and dad running a successful boarding house on Main Street Tobermory. From a very young age I was very fond of boats, and my father would often take me on his clam diving boat exploring the west side of Mull.

After university and some travelling, I came back to Scotland and became a mother to three beautiful children. My children also share the same love for the sea.

What do you enjoy least?

When we heard that John Coe and Aquarius (a famous West Coast Community Orca) had been spotted outside Oban Harbor and we missed them within 20 minutes. They are so fast.

What are your ambitions for the company?

To continue providing the best in the west and continue the amazing working relationship I share with my father Rob and husband James. Also, to keep our focus on improving our green credentials and whale/wildlife research in the Heathrow Islands, both elements so important to us.

Thanks to our loyal crew, my amazing dad and my loving husband we make things happen and with our love and passion, we all share the same vision for Hebrides Cruises going forward.

What one thing would help the most?

Expansion of the pontoon system in Oban. The small ship cruise sector has grown significantly over the last few years and increasing the space to allow operators to work from it would be of immense benefit to all.

What is the most valuable lesson you have learned?

To trust my gut and not let fear or doubt stand in my / our way.

Where do you find yourself most comfortable?

Oh I have a couple. Sitting in the hot tub with my husband, looking across to Ben Cruachan with a gin and tonic in my hand or walking the decks or companion ways on all three of our vessels at the end of a season and looking back at the amazing season we alone. share with all our guests.

If you weren’t in your current role, what job would you like the most?

The theatre. I love to sing and have done so from a very young age. I would love to be involved in musical production, singing, dancing. Even being part of a choir would be a lot of fun.

What phrase or quote has inspired you the most?

‘Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it’ and ‘the only way to do great work is to love what you do’.

What is the best book you have ever read? Why is this the best?

Manifesto by Roxie Nafousi. It sounds pretty deep but it’s not. It is such a helpful tool/book that is to the point with clear action steps to enable you to manifest your best life.

What has been your most challenging moment in life or business?

I would say it was in the transport or our recent ship Lucy Mary. Believe it or not, it came all the way from Beirut. There were challenges to the presentation as we worked our way through the Mediterranean and then across the Bay of Biscay in crazy weather. Thankfully, she arrived in the Hebrides and proved to us that she is as seaworthy a vessel as her sisters Elizabeth G and Emma Jane.

What do you know now that you wish you knew when starting out in your career?

Take regular deep breaths and find the right balance with work and family. We only have a short time on this planet so make the most of those precious moments.


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