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Social media “jinn” and our elite Achi-News

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With my friends once again, I put these words into practice with great apologies, which are probably, but definitely, there is a strong possibility of getting an impression of disappointment, because in the previous column, I promised to talk to Rakim in the future. . What was In fact, the events around us are so depressing and heartbreaking, despite all our efforts and efforts, to speak positively, to write and to make hope and light, our theme has become like gambling. Alas, what a shame, what a place of sadness and pain that you and I breathe in a society where there is personal ego, selfishness, greed for wealth, lies, jealousy, malice, arrogance and not knowing what our society is. like a soul in a body…
The above words may be a reflection of Rakim’s negative thinking, but at the same time, my readers must keep two elements in mind and heart. First, unless social disorders and mental, psychological and spiritual diseases are themselves identified and diagnosed, resolution is not possible. It is another thing that the mentioned diseases that are found around us are so rooted in us that the process of diagnosis and identification, rather the journey has gone so long that it does not take the name of ending by taking the form of a devil’s gut. However, you can’t entirely blame Rakim for this. The compulsion of the situation also forces a person to do something that seems very unpleasant and painful, sometimes it is impossible to look away from it.
During a conversation with friends, a very beautiful thing was heard and that was that a person should not try to be an angel or devote himself to chasing Satan, but simply, a human being should be a ‘human man’. trying to spend all his efforts to be. Today, if our “elite” rather than the “elite of the state” faces so much slander and defamation, the main reason for this is that the institution of making good people in our country, ie “family” has been destroyed since several years. It’s like an abandoned factory that has not only rusted for decades but now appears to be ‘beyond repair’.
When parents declare incompetent children among their children who do not know the skill of illegal earning while holding government job, then this is what will happen The question must be asked, can you solve problems by identifying problems or is there something wrong with you? And if not, then why waste your time. Such behavior and thinking is nothing short of a tragedy.
Rakim has always been aware of the fact that it is my job and your job to point out the social evils according to your thoughts and knowledge and raise your voice. It is not his responsibility to enter into it . Each person should express what they feel according to their ability and status.
In the words of a poet
There are no shadows of greed on our mind
We write what we feel
Let me share with my readers that there is good out of every bad, we don’t need to be completely or totally disappointed An example of this is that nowadays social media is considered as a “social disease” in our country or is impressed or in English it is said to be an attempt to portray This may be true to some extent and it can be argued for and against it… It can also be said to some extent that social media is also being used for psychological treatment or venting and to achieve a negative political agenda.
It is not obvious that social media is also a source of fake news, but despite all these arguments and facts, Rakim feels one thing, despite all its flaws ie flaws, if in today’s history ie our If there was no social media in today’s “shameful environment”, our “elite” might have completed the process of “scraping” our beloved country. A huge check ie there is a sword of accountability hanging over the heads of our elite in the form of social media that seems hard to get rid of. Like a blanket, social media seems to cling to our “Zoma and Akbarin” so much that it doesn’t seem to let go and the problem is that it is so pervasive and so uncontrollable that the “elite” She looks helpless and embarrassed. in front of this “Jin”.
There is no such “Aamal” and “Peer” who can come to the aid of our “elite” in this difficult time, even if such a spiritual personality can save them from this trouble. So they are ready to make huge sacrifices for this. . We pray to Allah to help our leaders, politicians, nobles and rulers in this regard as soon as possible, and may Allah support them and help them to “drive” this “jinn” immediately. Amen


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